Monday, September 14, 2020


Salam to all,

The first time I encountered with so many tulips was in 2001...when I first visited Prof Stanly Steinberg in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. His house backyard was filled with, yellow, pink, white, purple, etc...and I went like..."😯Oh my God! beautiful!!!"...and I just stood there admiring the view...🙂. Since then I fell in love with tulips😂.

Prof Steinberg said he will send me the pictures of his tulips next year (2021) inshaAllah...coz now no more tulips...out of season already😀. Need to wait for spring next year (2021) when tulips start to blooming again...inshaAllah.

My favourite tulip is "red tulip"... what else 🤗...?

*** 👇Prof Steinberg just sent me a picture of his cactus in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (Sept 21) : 

MashaAllah !!!...such beautiful cactus flowers...🤗❤️

I come the cactus is small but its flower is very much bigger...🤔??? 
Allahu Akhbar !!!


Wednesday, September 9, 2020


Salam to all,

Ya Allahku, tuhanku...ya Rahman, ya Rahim,



Hanya Allahku yang tahu segalanya.

Apa yang aku inginkan...

...di saat-saat ini...

Kau selalu di hati❤️

Haruskah aku menangis...

...untuk mengatakan yang sesungguhnya...

Kau lah segalanya untuk ku.

Kau lah curahan hati ini.

Tak mungkin ku melupakan Mu.

Tiada lagi yang ku harap hanya Kau sahaja...❤️

Nyanyian oleh Ruth Sahanaya...tetapi liriknya di ubah suai agar lebih Islamik. Melodinya tetap sama🙂.

Hari ini rasa nak "jiwang2" pulak dgn Allahku ...mengapa ya🤔...?😊

* Top picture: 

Aurora...MashaAllah, so beautiful !!!

👆Aurora...cucu saudara saya...comelkan😊❤️

👇Lagu "Kau lah segalanya" oleh Ruth Sahanaya (Lirik sahaja) :


Monday, September 7, 2020


Salam to all,

Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are enhanced by using a symbolic package, inshaAllah. The learning model used in developing this symbolic package is the Bloom's Taxonomy (refer above👆). The objective of this symbolic package is to assist the users in enhancing HOTS by using the  Problem Based
Learning (PBL) method and Computer Algebra System (CAS) technology. The users for this symbolic package are Form Four Secondary School pupils.

The design of the development of this package is based upon the CAS pedagogic concepts, i.e., interactivity, visualization, experimentation, step by step technique, multiple representations and white box/black box principle.

This on going research is currently done by Khairina Atika Mohamad Zawawi (potential phd student) with the title : "Pakej Simbolik Pendidikan Sains Berasaskan Teknologi Sistem Algebra Komputer (SAK) dan Kaedah Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah (PBM) Dalam Meningkatkan Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT)".

The importance of HOTS in the education system can be found in the link below👇.

Also for more information on Bloom's Taxonomy...refer to the link below👇:

This project is a collaboration between Computer Algebra Team (CAT), FTSM, UKM and Dr Hazlina Awang Lah, Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sultan Mizan, Besut, Terengganu.

👆The website developed by Dr Hazlina for the teachers in Terengganu. The focus of this website is on the assessment of HOTS.


Saturday, September 5, 2020


Salam to all,

My research project : “Developing an automated assistant for computing integrals over polynomially defined regions and their boundaries using Computer Algebra System (CAS) (01-01-02-SF0791: RM107, 300)” was approved by MOSTI in 2012...but the problem was no postgraduate students seemed to be interested to work on this project...I wonder why🤔???...

I waited* for two years before MOSTI eventually decided to terminate this project. The MOSTI officers came to UKM to discuss with me the progress of this I told them the truth : "No postgraduate students are interested to work on this project (i.e., to accept this challenge)". What to do🤔???...😊.

Now (eight years later😄)...I would like to present again the synopsis of this case there are some postgraduate students out there who are interested in this area of Computer Algebra (CA) in Industry...please do contact me🙂.

If there is someone who really interested to work on this project then I will, inshaAllah apply a grant to support this research coz...I don't want to get myself into trouble again...for the second time😂.

Synopsis of this project :

In some industries, we want to know some of the intermediate results (not just the end results) without user intervention during the solving process. In other words, when a problem occurs in the solving process, this tool has the potential to detect where the problem arises and the user can recommend necessary steps on how to solve it.The Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD) algorithms published in the Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 82 (2011) 79-101,(IMACS): J. Wester, Y. Yaacob & S. Steinberg, would not be able to do this. Therefore, significant changes need to be made to the existing CAD algorithms.

* While waiting for the potential postgraduate students...I did some "promotions" on the area of Computer Algebra (using the Science Fund (SF) fund) like translating my phd thesis into the Melayu language, setting up a Computer Algebra Research Lab (tapi mampu bertahan sekejap saja...atas sebab2 tertentu 😂) & Computer Algebra Team (CAT), producing a phd graduate (Computer Algebra (CA) in Education): Dr Hazlina Awang Lah, etc.


Tuesday, September 1, 2020


Salam to all,

1989...I was not feeling well lately and so I decided to go to the university clinic for a medical check up...maybe becoz I was in a great tension with so many exams around the corner and also writing my research paper...?🤔. At that time I was doing a master degree in Mathematics (with minor in Computer Science) at the Sam Houston State University (SHSU), Texas, USA. The result of the medical check up : I am pregnant !!! 🙂. At first I was case I couldn't handle my pregnancy with my study but I knew Allah will not test you with something that is beyond your capability (Surah al Baqarah: 286)...with that reminder from Allah...I felt calm...alhamdulillah🙂.

Dr. Atkins, my gynaecologist, advised me not to go back to Malaysia when I am in my seventh month pregnancy because it might be detrimental to me and the baby. I told him it all depending on my viva which was scheduled on the seventh month of my pregnancy and if I get thru it...I want to go back home straight away to Malaysia...or else if I don't get thru it...I need to rescedule my viva to only Allah knows when...perhaps next semester and if so...the baby will be born in the US😯!!! I don't want that to happen...coz I want my baby to be born in Malaysia (inshaAllah) that he/she can declare that "Malaysia tanah tumpah darah ku" or "Saya Anak Malaysia" 😀. By the islam it is not wrong to have this feeling of great love for your country becoz if you don't...who else will 🤔???

My viva didnt go well on the first day...I didn't seem to be able to answer most of the questions asked by the examiners...i wonder why 🤔??? So the examiners wanted to continue the viva on the following day. The next day Prof Stoltenberg (head of the examiners) admitted they made a mistake of focusing on the area that was not supposed to be my research area. They apologized to me. So we did reviva and this time...alhamdulillah...I passed😊.

Now...I was already in my seventh month pregnancy but I still wanted to go back to Malaysia as soon as possible...and I & sound. Alhamdulillah😄.

Our baby was born about two months later. 

We named her Wan 'Ainul Yaqeen...😘❤️❤️❤️

👆Yaqeen was quarantined in a hotel near Hospital Putrajaya (with 31other Medical Officers (MOs)) becoz of a patient they treated was found Covid +. 

Alhamdulillah...only 1 MO was found Covid + and already recovered🙂.

Top picture :
Wan 'Adneen Na'im (my second daughter) at my grandmother's house in Hulu Langat, Selangor.

 *** I remember telling my husband : "Kalau xlulus juga viva kali kedua ni...I akan terus juga buat sampai lulus...dan kalau xlulus juga...alamatnya kita dok US je la..." 😂😄😅(sbb I dah janji dgn bapak I akan habiskn master I (inshaAllah) masa nk minta permission bapak utk berkahwin).

*** Tlg doakn Yaqeen & rakan2 dan frontliners yg lain sentiasa dlm perlindungan dan rahmat Allah.


👆Yaqeen grad! eh! silap...grad tadika 😂😅.
