Monday, April 29, 2024


Salam all,

Imagine dozing off under the shade of a tree after a taxing day out in the sun, only to wake up to the gentle nudge of a wild cheetah snuggling against you. This isn’t the start of a fable or a campfire story. It’s what happened to Dolph Volker, a wildlife photographer and animal enthusiast, during one of his volunteering stints at Cheetah Experience, a sanctuary for endangered species in South Africa.

The memorable encounter took place on a particularly sunny day, when all Dolph wanted was a brief escape from the relentless sun. He found solace under a tree, not knowing that he would soon share his makeshift bed with a curious cheetah named Eden. As he slept, Eden approached him, likely intrigued by his presence, and decided to settle next to him for a nap. The slight nudges from Eden eventually woke Dolph, who was stunned but delighted by the trust and affection shown by this majestic creature.

With his camera by his side, Dolph didn’t miss the opportunity to document this extraordinary event. The photos and videos he captured show Eden displaying an unexpected gentleness, nuzzling against him, playfully biting, and even licking him. These tender interactions have not only strengthened his bond with the cheetahs he works to protect but have also made him a beacon of hope for animal conservationists worldwide.

Capturing the Moment

Often referred to as “the cheetah charmer,” Dolph uses his platform, including a YouTube channel, to share insights into the behavior of these fast, fascinating felines. His stories and visuals help educate people about the plight of cheetahs, which are among the most threatened felines in Africa due to poaching and habitat loss.

This experience beautifully illustrates the surprising ways in which wildlife can interact with humans when given respect and space. For Dolph, it was a poignant reminder of why he dedicates his life to these creatures: to ensure that future generations will not only know of them through photos and videos but will be able to experience their grace in the wild. Such moments of connection underscore the urgency and beauty of wildlife conservation.

☺️ If  I were Dolph and I found a wild cheetah sleeping on my arm...I would scream my heart out and run for my life...😂😂😂

Alhamdulillah...a man like Dolph exists in this world...👍🫠

Yuzita❤️ Palestine

Sunday, April 28, 2024


Salam all,

☝️ Daun 7 duri & bunganya

My wsap to my kids :

"Daun 7 duri & bunganya...ayah minta mama makn...utk prevent tumor otak mama recurring...inshaAllah🤲😊

Rasanya xpahit pun...selamba jer rasa 😀

Crunchy...senang nk kunyah👍


☝️ Dragon fruit

Health benefits of Dragon fruit :

🌷Reduces Risk of Diabetes

🌷Reduces Risks of Cancer

🌷Helps boost Immunity

🌷Good for Digestion

🌷Good For Heart

🌷Fights Ageing Skin

🌷Good for Hair

🌷Healthy Bones

What dragon fruit does to your body ?

It can strengthen your immune system. Dragon fruit is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants that are good for your immune system. It can boost your iron levels. Iron is important for moving oxygen through out your body and giving you energy and dragon fruit has iron.

Mcm2 Allah swt ciptakn utk kita manusia 🫠...alhamdulillah !!! Allah syg sgt2 kat kita kannn ? ❤️😂🌷

FYI...I dh xde spleen...kena buang sbb accident 2010. So my immune system is quite low. Jd kena lah makn makanan yg leh boost my immune system like dragon food, etc.


Saturday, April 27, 2024


Salam all...

 🤲☺️ Alhamdulillah...dgn izin Allah swt I completed my puasa enam on Thursday Syawal 16 (I started on Saturday Syawal 11) . It was quite tough actually with all the celebrations going on 😂...

Why puasa enam is beneficial to us as a muslim to practice it? 
Just like Dr. Shajul Islam said...

"Let's keep pushing!" by Dr. Shajul Islam from Syria :


Yuzita ❤️ Palestine

Friday, April 19, 2024


 Salam all,

☝️ Map of location of Iran and Israel

🌷 “The Dome” COMPLETELY FAILED! with Scott Ritter :

🌷 Iran gives Israel "taste of its own medicine" :

🌷 Advice of Syeikh Imran to Iran :

🌷 "Iran attack a major humiliation for Israeli regime" with an Iranian professor :

🌷 Moment when Iran attack Israel :

🌷 "Israel's CLEAR FAILURE In Middle East! ALL CRIMES AND GEN0CIDE Will Soon Be Paid For!" with Scott Ritter :

🌷 "How Iran’s counterstrike evaded Israel’s missile defense"...with Jon Elmer :

🌷 "Iran Just Destroyed US Power in the Middle East" with Ambassador Chas Freeman :

Rasulullah saw berkata benar bila baginda bersabda bahawa Iranians akan menguasai "langit". Sekarang sudah terbukti...☺️.



Thursday, April 11, 2024

EID MUBARAK !!! (Updated) 😃❤️🌷

Salam all,

☝️ 👍Bestnya !!! Dpt duit raya from Yaqeen (my eldest doter) 😀🥰...Alhamdulillah...🤲😉

☝️Kuih Raya Free Free Free Palestine !!! 💪🦾 😂
Yaqeen balik pagi raya ke Sri Ixora, Kajang dpd Klinik Kesihatan Padang Tengku, Kuala Lipis, Pahang bawa kuih raya kat atas☝️. looks familiar 🤔...mcm slalu tgk...rupa2 nya...PALESTINE !!! 😀

Pastu kumpul ramai2 kat rmh kakak (Yuhana) di Kelang 👇...hampir semua ada dlm gambar ☺️ :


🌷 "Eid Mubarak to all! May Allah accept our fasting. Wishing you all a happy Eid!" by Dr. Shajul Islam from Syria :

🌷 "Let's keep pushing!" by Dr. Shajul Islam from Syria :


Wednesday, April 3, 2024


Salam all, 

👆 My Quran kecik😂

🤲 last with Allah swt's blessing I khatam my Quran kecik today...Ramadhan 23 at 1.15 pm☺️. 
Tqvm Allah ku Tuhan ku❤️.

🌷 Doa khatam Quran :


Segala puji tertentu bagi Allah swt...tuhan yang memelihara dan mentadbir sekalian alam. Selawat dan salam ke atas Nabi Muhammad saw dan juga ke atas keluarga dan sahabat2 baginda. 

Ya Allah tuhan kami...terimalah doa dan amalan kami, sesungguhnya Engkaulah Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Yang Maha Mengetahui.Terimalah taubat kami, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Penerima Taubat lagi Maha Mengasihi. Tunjuk dan bimbinglah kami kpd kebenaran dan jalan yang lurus dgn berkat Al-Quran. 

Ya Allah tuhan kami...kasihanilah kami dgn berkat Al-Quran dan jadikannya sebagai pimpinan, cahaya, petunjuk dan rahmat utk kami. 

Ya Allah tuhan kami...ingatkanlah kami apa yang telah kami lupa dpd Al-Quran, ajarkanlah kami apa yang kami tidak tahu mengenai isi kandungan Al-Quran, kurniakanlah kami keupayaan utk membacanya pada waktu malam dan siang dan jadikanlah Al-Quran itu sebagai hujjah utk kami apabila bertemu dgn Mu kelak.

Ya Allah tuhan kami...hiaskan diri kami dgn keindahan Al-Quran, muliakan kami dgn kemuliaan Al-Quran, serikan kami dgn ketinggian martabat Al-Quran, pakaikan kami dgn pakaian permata Al-Quran, masukkan kami ke dlm syurga Firdaus dgn syafaat Al-Quran, selamatkan kami dpd segala bencana dunia dan azab hari akhirat dgn berkat kehormatan Al-Quran. 

Ya Allah tuhan kami...jadikanlah Al-Quran semasa hidup kami di dunia sebagai rakan dan di dlm kubur sebagai kawan yang mesra, pada hari kiamat sebagai pembantu dan cahaya penyuluh menuju ke syurga dan sebagai penghadang dan pendinding dpd api neraka. 

Ya Allah tuhan kami...jadikanlah Al-Quran utk kami sebagai panduan dan ikutan kpd segala kebaikan dgn limpah kurnia, kemurahan dan kemuliaan dpd Mu jua ya Allah, tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah. 

Ya Allah tuhan kami...tunjukilah kami dgn petunjuk Al-Quran, selamatkanlah kami dpd api neraka dgn kemuliaan Al-Quran, tinggikanlah darjat martabat kami dgn kelebihan Al-Quran dan hapuskanlah dosa kejahatan kami dgn membaca al-Quran, ya Allah tuhan Yang Empunya segala kelebihan dan ehsan.

Ya Allah tuhan kami...berilah kami kebaikan hidup di dunia dan di akhirat dan peliharalah kami dpd azab api neraka.

Ya Allah tuhan kami...cucuri rahmat dan salam sejahtera ke atas junjungan kami Nabi Muhammad saw serta keluarga dan sahabat2 baginda. Maha Suci Tuhan kami, tuhan yang mempunyai keagungan dan kekuasaan terhadap apa yang mereka katakan dan selamat sejahtera kpd sekalian rasul. Segala puji tertentu bagi Allah swt, tuhan yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan seluruh alam.

Ameen 3x yra

Smoga amalan membaca n mentadabbur Al-Quran berterusan setiap hari selepas Ramadhan sehingga ke hembusan nafas kita yg terakhir...🤲

Ameen 3x yra 

Yuzita❤️ Palestine