Saturday, July 31, 2021

X TAU SOP😲...???

Salam to all,

Wsp from my daughter, Dr Yaqeen (Hospital Putrajaya) :

"Mohon doa dr semua semoga along  ✨tetap bersabar dan berlembut✨ dlm melayan pesakit. Ramai sgt manusia dtg hosp ni y degil dan still x tahu SOP wlupn covid dh ada lebih setahun 🤡"

Respon dpd :

Zamdan :

semoga d beri kekuatan dan d mudah kan segala urusan klong & frontliners lain dlm menjalankn tugasan harian.

Arif :

InsyaAllah, moga baik2 aje along. All the best👍😎

Suraya Hasanah :

Yaqeen, pilihan Allah untuk berjihad di bumi Malaysia, bukan di Palestin. Yg dtg kpdnya ialah manusia bukannya malaikat yg taat, rukuk, sujud pada Allah setiap masa. Sesungguhnya Allah bersama orang-orang yang SABAR.

Nurie :

Sampaikan salam saya utk Dr Yaqeen. Semoga Allah kurniakan kesabaran yg tinggi dlm melayan pesakit.

Rose :

Kami sama2 doakan dr yaqeen insyaallah

Ajue :

Moga yaqeen sentiasa diberi ketabahan

Lina :

Semoga Allah permudahkan usaha Yaqeen. Dan diberikan kesabaran yg tinggi untuk melayani pesakit2 yang bermacam2 jenis ni. Dan semoga Allah SWT memberi ganjaran yg tinggi kepada Yaqeen dan rakan2 frontliners

Zainol :

No need to berlembut. Just be firm and assertive. But jgn gaduh, pilih bahasa yg baik tapi tegas. No more time to treat ppl with kid gloves.

Tajul :

Allahu akbar..kesian yaqn. Semoga rahmati.

Bada :

Wslm. Semoga Allah memberi kesabaran, kekuatan n memudahkn segala urusan buat yaqin dlm megurus pesakit2 covid serta melindungi yaqin Dr di jangkiti virus Covid-19

Kak Zid :.

Semoga Yaqn banyak bersabar dlm menjalankan tugasnya sbg doktor. Allah beri ganjaran diatas kesabaranya mu. Semoga dipetmudahkan segala urusan.

Zakiah :

W.salam. Dah tabiat manusia ita😇 ..susah nak diajar..Yg senang..pun payah nak ikut buat

Dayang :

Wslm.. semoga yaqn tabah dan terus bersabar.



Tuesday, July 27, 2021


Salam to all, 

Alhamdulillah...I have presented (on line) the paper titled :

"An Automated Symbolic Package to Enhance Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS): Critical Thinking" the 26th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) 2021 on July 23 - 27, 2021.

(20 min presentation and 10 min Q&A).

Prof Stanly Steinberg's comments (my former phd supervisor from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA) :

"I think your talk was great and really on target!!"

(I wonder what he meant by that...🤔)

"Seems to me that this is important work (i e., CAS-CT project) as the students must learn how and when to use modern technology (i.e., Computer Algebra System (CAS) technology)"

Anyone interested to read the text of my talk...can email me at :

...and I will send the pdf file to you, inshaAllah👌😀

** The funding for the project above was  rejected  by KPT :

MyGRANTS - Application Result


We regret to inform you that your PRGS application was unsuccessful for the project:


Leader Batch

Yuzita Yaacob PRGS 2021-1

We wish you better luck next time in your grant application.

Please do not reply to this message. This is a computer generated email from MyGRANTS. For general inquiries, please send an email to

** Terliur sungguh nk beli buku kat atas harganya...mak datok...rm 264.75🙃. ni...time2 covid...byk lg benda pentg nk gunakn duit tu...ramai xmakan...i lak...sibuk nk beli buku😅😅😅

** My talk was on july 25 at 10pm (Malaysia time)...10am for Michel (Montreal, Canada)... 8am for Michael (Albuquerque, USA) and...4pm for CEST (Europe).

** Michel and Michael...organizers of Computer Algebra (CA) in education session...for ACA 2021.

👇 Michel (Canada) : July 25 at 10am

👇 Michael (USA) : July 25 at 8am

👇 Yuzita (Malaysia) : July 25 at 10pm


Tuesday, July 13, 2021


Salam to all, 

Na'im :  Boleh kan pakai ni kat luar? Atau khas pakai dalam hospital je? Haha

Yaqeen : Bolehh. Pki kt rumah boleh, bwk jalan2 pn boleh. Ni sauna bergerak

Arif : Nak gi angkasa pon boleh

Mama : Mama suka panas2 ni...leh la minta ayh belikn mama😂...Leh jd gila kalo pakai ni lama2...camna doc leh tahan tu🤔???

* To Yaqeen and my nieces (Dr Aeisyah & Dr Fateen) & other beloved frontliners... :

"Semoga Allah mengurniakn kesabarn yg tinggi dlm menjalankn tugas...demi kesejahteraan n keselamatn rakyat msia yg tercinta...dan smoga rahmat Allah swt sentiasa bersama kalian."

Ameen yra🤲❤️


Saturday, July 10, 2021


Salam to all,

Sepuluh awal Zul Hijjah :

Bermula : 11 Julai 2021, Ahad (1 Zul Hijjah 1442)

Berakhir : 20 Julai 2021, Selasa (10 Zul Hijjah 1442)

Beramal lah mengikut kemampuan kita.

Sesungguhnya Allah xkan jemu...sehingga kita yg jemu👌☺️

🤲Berdoa lah agar Allah swt sudi utk mengampunkn segala dosa2 kita...dan menolong kita mencari solusi menghadapi pandemik covid19 ini...dan mengurniakan kpd kita kesabaran yg tinggi utk mengatasinya.

Ameen yra...🌷

Kemelut covid19 di Malaysia :

* Talk by Ameer Ali Mydin, Pengarah Urusan Mydin :

* Please pray for them...Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Kelang, Selangor :

Alhamdulillah...frontliners from Perlis came to their rescue🤲...🥰👍 


Wednesday, July 7, 2021


 Salam to all,

👆Why the picture above special to me?🤔

I was giving a talk at the 7th International Mathematica Symposium (IMS 2005) the University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth, Australia...and it was my birthday !!!😊

A number of messages (from Malaysia) kept coming into my handphone...wishing me happy birthday while i was delivering the talk😂

One of the messages was from my "twin sister"...Norleyza (we shared the same birthdate...but xyear😄).

It was during this symposium that I met Oliver...the person who was responsible in helping me to solve my problems in Mathematica programming (you see...I got stuck with my phd work and no one to ask in Malaysia for help🙃). He was such a nice man...tqvm Oliver...I will always remember you & your kindness towards me👌🙂.

*** journey (keje giler😂) :

From KLIA to Nara Women's University, Japan (ACA 2005)...back to KLIA again...then to UWA, Perth, Australia (IMS 2005).

Flight paling murah😅...dpd Jepun kena balik semula ke KLIA...baru fly ke Australia. Transit 2/3 jam di KLIA dpd Jepun...(sempat call my hub dari KLIA...rindu😀).

Masa presentation kat Jepun (ACA2005)...siap kena "tembak" bagai dpd Prof Alkis Akritas (a famous computer algebraist...he wrote a book on computer algebra...the first book I read on CA) on my phd work. After internet room...nangis puas2 sorg2😂. Prof Steinberg bg semangat utk teruskn my work🤗...jgn sesekali give up.

So...when I reached Perth for IMS 2005 from KLIA...I was already exhausted (I think more emotionally than physically😅)...

So...after IMS 2005...I decided to accept my friend's invitation (Sis Ziah) to visit her in Melbourne. I spent  one week there...morning walk every day...talking and talking and talking...😄. She was my naqibah usrah masa bljr di usa dulu. And she gave me "kata2 semangat" to keep on...moving please Allah only🤗 


Alhamdulillah🤲...hasil dpd my work ni...the results were accepted by two journals ( 1 Q2 jurnal & 1 Scorpus) : 

1. New improved Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD) algorithm :

"Computing Integrals over Polynomially Defined Regions and their Boundaries in 2 and 3 Dimensions" in the Journal of Mathematics and Computers 82(2011)79-101 (Q2).

2. A multimedia symbolic package (ILMEV) :

"Towards the Development of an Automated Learning Assistant for Vector Calculus: Integration over Planar Regions" in the International Journal of Technology in Mathematics Education 17(2) (2010) 81-86 (Scorpus).
