Friday, August 28, 2020


Salam to all,

2006...I arrived at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) after spending about three months at the University of New Mexico (UNM) Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Prof Steinberg invited me there to finalize the writing up of my phd thesis. He wrote an email to me : "It is crucial for you now to start writing (my phd thesis) and stop working (on my research project)"...after I emailed to him my latest work...which I was not sure whether it was good enough for a phd value🤔😀...

At first when I arrived at the UNM I had some difficulties in concentrating on my writing as it was the month of Ramadhan...becoz I was missing my family and the Malaysian environment during Ramadhan. But alhamdulillah...everything went well🙂. Prof Steinberg and Dr Wester accepted my work after I presented it to them (some sort like a "mini viva" 😂). Prof Steinberg said : "You have now convinced me you know something that I don't know...". Alhamdulilah...🙂

Now I couldnt wait to go back home (after I finished up my writing and got it approved by Prof Steinberg and Dr Wester)...not only becoz I miss my family but I was also missing the Malaysian environment very much 😔. I made doa to Allah to get me safely back home to Malaysia, my beloved country. Even though the UNM has a very good and caring Muslims community and they were very supportive towards providing me with halal food, invited me to the Islamic Centre of New Mexico  (ICNM) to break the fast together...but it is still not the same as the Malaysian environment...and I miss it very much😔.

When I arrived at the KLIA arrival terminal (my family was there waiting for me), I was very much excited that I kept on jumping...up & down, up & down, and so on😂...until Yaqeen (my daughter) said : "Apa kena dengan mama ni...malu la mama sume org pandang kita". But I just didn't care at all about what people think of me coz...I am now safely back home in Malaysia...MALAYSIA KU SAYANG 😂❤️.






Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Salam to all,

Sistem Algebra Komputer (SAK) merupakan sebuah perisian komputer yang digunakan untuk penyelesaian matematik daripada masalah yang mudah hinggalah kepada yang kompleks. Ia juga berupaya untuk memvisualisasi sesuatu entiti dengan lebih jelas, memproses ungkapan formula dengan lebih cepat dan tepat, membantu Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) dengan menyediakan pelbagai perwakilan simbolik, numerik, grafik, dsb. 
Contoh SAK ialah Axiom, Maple dan Mathematica.

Penggunaan SAK dalam industri pendidikan merupakan suatu pendekatan yang amat berkesan dan menyeronokkan. SAK juga digunakan dalam pelbagai industri seperti industri kimia, industri robotik, industri automotif dan banyak lagi.

Sebagai contoh : 
2005...saya menghadiri kursus "Programming in Mathematica" di University of Melbourne, Australia. Pada mulanya saya ingatkan yang menghadiri kursus tersebut adalah terdiri daripada pensyarah2 universiti seperti saya...rupa2nya saya seorang sahaja pensyarah universiti😀...dan yang lainnya adalah daripada pelbagai industri.

Ini menunjukkan kepentingan SAK untuk mempertingkatkan mutu sesuatu pekerjaan dalam pelbagai industri seperti menjimatkan masa pengeluaran ("time is money") dan menghasilkan sesuatu produk yang lebih tepat.

Projek yang saya utarakan di sini adalah bertujuan untuk membina suatu pakej simbolik pendidikan menggunakan SAK yang merangkumi dua aspek utama : 

(1) Reka bentuk pembangunan pakej berasaskan konsep pedagogi SAK iaitu : (a) interaktiviti (b) visualisasi (c) eksperimentasi (d) teknik langkah demi langkah (e) kepelbagaian perwakilan dan (f) prinsip kotak putih / kotak hitam.

(2) Menguji kebolehgunaan pakej berasaskan tiga atribut iaitu : (a) keberkesanan (b) kebolehbelajaran (c) kepuasan. 

Setiap atribut diterapkan konsep pedagogi SAK.

Kaedah analisis data :

(a) Ujian korelasi Pearson untuk menguji hipotesis kajian

(b) Ujian-t untuk melihat perbezaan skor ujian setelah menggunakan pakej.

(c)  Analisis regresi berganda untuk melihat kesan ketiga-tiga atribut terhadap skor ujian setelah menggunakan pakej.

Analisis data dilaksana dengan menggunakan perisian SPSS untuk menghasilkan dapatan kajian.

Nota :

Projek seperti dinyatakan di atas telah berjaya dilaksanakan oleh Hazlina Awang Lah pada 2014 dengan tajuk "Pakej Simbolik Pendidikan Fizik (i-phys) Berasaskan Sistem Algebra Komputer" (Tesis Doktor Falsafah, UKM).


Tahniah Dr Hazlina !!! 🙂❤️

* Sesiapa yang berminat untuk meneruskan pengajian dalam "postgrad studies (Master / phd)" dalam bidang  Komputer Algebra bolehlah menghubungi saya🙂.

Bidang yang ditawarkan : "Computer Algebra in Education or Computer Algebra in Industry (choose your own targeted industry)" 🙂.

⭐Nota penting :

Kalau nak cuba main2 dgn Mathematica...boleh muat turun trial installation dari :

The trial license is good for 15 days.


Saturday, August 8, 2020


 Salam to all,

From your left (sitting down) :
- Wan 'Ainul eldest daughter
- Wan husband
- myself
- Wan 'Umar son

From your right (standing up) :
- Wan 'Adneen Na' second daughter
- Mohamad Ariff...Na'im's husband

This picture was taken during Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2020 at the Sri Ixora apartment, kajang.

Mama loves you all very much 😘.
InshaAllah...we will be together in the jannah with our beloved prophet Muhammad (saw) and his companons (ra) ❤️🙂. Ameen 🤲...

From your left : Na'im, Yaqeen, 'Umar and  Ninie



Salam to all, 

I am now living at the Sri Ixora apartment, Kajang, Selangor. The apartment is only about 15 minutes away from UKM. I bought it in 2008. The selling agent kept on persuading me without failure to buy a unit of this Sri Ixora apartment...☺ so to challenge her i said : "if you can find me a unit on the highest floor and at the very end with two parking spaces (side by side) on the ground floor and also with nothing to obstruct the view...inshaAllah I will buy it ". 

A few days later she came to see me at UKM to tell me the "good" news that she found the unit that met my requirements. The potential buyer's application bank loan for the prescribed unit was rejected...and so I had no choice but to buy it (a promise is a promise😀). 

But why do I need to buy it ? I already own a house in Kuala Lumpur...🤔

2009...I came back to Malaysia from Montreal, Canada after presenting a paper at the conference  on  the Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) 2009 there. I felt sick for a few days after returning from Montreal. I thought maybe becoz of the long trip to Montreal 🤔? I went to HUKM for a medical check up and I was referred to a neuro surgeon, Mr. Toh who later diagnosed me with a brain tumor (as big as an egg (grade A)). Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rajiun...

2010...I was involved with a terrible car accident (alhamdulillah🤲...I was alone in the car). I was in a coma state for six days. My spleen was badly injured and Mr Zamzuri (HKL specialist) had no choice but to remove it and...also half of my intestine was removed. 

After the accident I moved to Sri Ixora apartment becoz it was nearer to UKM and easier for me to go to work. I needed to get myself occupied with other stuff than kept thinking of my illness. A place where I needed time to think and munajat to Allah...asking for His guidance...that was what I found in my Ixora apt...❤️ 

2018...I had an operation at HUKM to remove my brain tumor and was successful.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr Toh & team for a very well done job. I spent fourteen hours in the operating theatre (OT): 8am - you can lmagine how tired Mr Toh & team must have been to remove the tumor 🤔... Thank you very much...from the bottom of my heart. I really appreciate it ❤️

Now...I am still in the "recovery" period but alhamdulillah...I can do most of the job that I used to do 🙂.


*** Picture above :
Ixora flower...MashaAllah !!! So beautiful...😯❤️