Friday, December 23, 2022


Salam all, 

๐Ÿ‘† The Sultan Perak...DYMM Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah

December 20, 2022, Ipoh, Perak : 

DYMM Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah said in his opening speech at the 15th Perak State Legislative Assembly at Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan... :

๐ŸŒท"Extreme views on ethnicity and religion which incite hatred and could provoke hostility among citizens must stop."

๐ŸŒท"Firm and immediate action must be taken to stop activities of any party either by speech or actions that poison the minds and rouse the people's emotions by exploiting differences in ethnicity and religion."

๐ŸŒท"This earth must not be sown with poisonous weeds that can kill the trees of unity; nor should the sky be allowed to be shrouded in acidic clouds that rain down on the earth with racist and religious-driven extremist beliefs."

๐ŸŒท"Mutual understanding and harmonious relationships between ethnicities were determining factors to ensure peace and harmony for both state and country."

๐ŸŒท"Countries and states where citizens live in peace and harmony will be able to focus their attention, energy and effort to attract investors and tourists, increase economic growth and boost the development of the state, ultimately leading to prosperity for the people."

๐ŸŒท"The harmonious inter-ethnic relations that have been established from pre-independence and maintained throughout the post-independence era should not be gambled away or jeopardised by political games that poison the minds and inflame the emotions of the people."

๐ŸŒท"Everyone thus plays a role in ensuring that harmonious inter-ethnic relations continue to be nurtured and that understanding between followers of various religions continues to be fostered."

๐ŸŒท"The people of this country, especially the younger generation, should be given guidance and education on the system of government and nationhood based on the doctrine of parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, as well as the importance of understanding and embracing the five principles contained in the Rukun Negara as guidelines for building a united, harmonious nation in a sovereign, peaceful and prosperous independent country."

๐ŸŒท"The relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims should be tolerant, courteous, and peaceful."

๐ŸŒท"Muslims have a long history of interacting with non-Muslims in various matters like commercial transactions (muamalat), agreements and reconciliation, dating back to the time of Prophet Muhammad."

๐ŸŒท"There is nothing wrong with having good relations with non-Muslims for the sake of creating a peaceful and harmonious society," 

๐ŸŒท"As the world is predicted to face sluggish economic growth and contraction next year, political stability as the determinant of economic recovery and development."

๐ŸŒท"With a stable political environment, the country can focus on efforts and resources on healing the economic wounds caused by the pandemic, which was exacerbated by political instability."

๐ŸŒท"The people require efficient economic governance to enable the resumption of economic activity. They desire a government that is capable and energetic in managing the country's affairs and fostering meaningful economic growth."

๐ŸŒท*People wanted a transparent and trustworthy government, free from corruption and breach of trust."

๐ŸŒท"It is vital for the government to listen and understand the population's concerns, such as unemployment, high cost of living, food insecurity, environmental sustainability, education, healthcare, housing, as well as quality public relations and digital communication."

๐ŸŒท"As such, it is paramount for the state government to work with the federal government to implement strategic measures that create a favourable investment climate, increase employment opportunities, address the cost of living, ensure food security, and improve social facilities and services. Fulfil the people's hopes - fulfil the people's trust."

๐ŸŒท"Given the uncertain global economic environment and the high debt burden, state spending should be channelled to prioritised initiatives that benefit the people, and strict thrift measures to reduce wasteful expenditure should also be enforced." 


DAULAT TUANKU !!!...๐Ÿค—๐Ÿฅฐ❤️

๐Ÿ‘† Khairy (UMNO) & YB Hannah (DAP)๐Ÿคญ sorry...I mean having a serious discussion on the betterment of our sports...๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜„

YAB PM visited the DYMM Sultan Perak :

Yuzita ๐Ÿ˜Š❤️๐ŸŒท

Saturday, December 17, 2022


Salam all,

๐Ÿ™‚ Dec 14, 2022...Alhamdulillah, finally we managed to get rid of "all" the tumor from my brain (called "Parasagittal Meningioma" : located adjacent to the dural fold that separates the two brain hemispheres๐Ÿ‘†)...using Gamma Knife machine (refer picture below๐Ÿ‘‡) operation was done by Mr Toh & team at HUKM on September 2018 to take out the tumor from my brain (as big as an egg (grade A)๐Ÿ˜Š)...followed by Dec 14, 2022 using Gamma Knife machine (laser technique).

๐Ÿ‘†Gamma Knife machine (at Gamma Knife Centre (GKC), HUKM-SC) & Me (sitting down)...behind me is Mr. Toh (neurologist (brain)), my hub and madam radiologist (forgot to ask her name...(sbb masa ni tgh tension giler...xbuat Gamma Knife lagi๐Ÿ˜‚))

Alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar๐Ÿ˜Š
Semoga sy sembuh 100% ... 
Ameen yra๐Ÿคฒ

Terima kasih Allahku...tuhanku❤️❤️❤️


Sunday, December 11, 2022


Salam all,

I thought I was the only one engrossed with "pantun" for the past few weeks (since I received two "pantun" for my ukm early retirement... one from the honorable ukm vc n another one from dato' pendaftar ukm)... tp dh berjangkit pulak dgn Setiausaha Agung UMNO, Ahmad Maslan dan Setiausaha Organisasi DAP, Steven Sim. ๐Ÿ˜‚

They decided to forget their "old grudges"... when both of them were elected as Timbalan Menteri Kewangan ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜€

After "istiadat mengangkat sumpah jawatan" at the Istana Negara...Steven sent a "pantun" thru Twitter to Ahmad Maslan :

"Sama-sama dayung bahtera

Dayung arah kota permata

Sama-sama bangun negara

Junjung titah lupa sengketa."

๐Ÿ˜€Ahmad Maslan wrote back :

"Kita jumpa di pejabat MOF" 

Also with a "pantun"... 

"Dayung arah kota permata

Handal panglima jadi hikayat

Junjung Titah lupa sengketa

Ayuh bersama demi rakyat."

*** Ahmad Maslan dilantik semula sebagai Timbalan Menteri Kewangan...portfolio yang dipegangnya semasa pentadbiran Najib Razak.

*** Steven pernah menjadi Timbalan Menteri Belia dan Sukan semasa pentadbiran PH dari 2018 hingga 2020.

*** Waaahhh !!! Terror jugak berpantun they all berdua ni... Xsangka pulak๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘

Sweet jer kan...๐Ÿค—๐Ÿฅฐ

Yuzita ๐Ÿ˜Š❤️๐ŸŒท

Saturday, December 10, 2022


Salam all, 

๐Ÿ‘†Leopards symbolize strength, power, courage and determination...just like the members of our Unity Cabinet 2022...inshaAllah๐Ÿ˜Š

Alhamdulillah !!!

Smoga Kabinet Perpaduan 2022 ini dpt menjalankn tugas dgn sebaik mungkin utk mereformasi Malaysia ke arah yg lebih baik dlm pelbagai bidang n diredhai oleh Allah swt.

Ameen yra๐Ÿคฒ

๐Ÿ‘† 28 ministers

๐Ÿ‘† 27 deputy ministers

๐ŸŒท The Unity Government 2022 comprises
28 ministers and 27 deputy ministers.

Total = 55 members of the Unity Government 2022.


Yuzita ๐Ÿค—❤️๐ŸŒท

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


Salam all, 


๐ŸŒทPresiden Pertubuhan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah Malaysia ( Aswaja ) Zamihan Mat Zin ( gambar di atas๐Ÿ‘†) mengemukakan takrifan sebenar kafir harbi :

"Kalau kita rujuk kitab-kitab muktabar, kafir harbi ini merujuk kepada orang kafir yang memusuhi Islam, menghina Islam, memerangi umat Islam dan negara Islam. Dalam sebuah negara demokrasi ( contohnya Malaysia ), kita hanya berbeza prinsip, perjuangan parti, pendapat, kaedah atau pendekatan mentadbir negara.

Sesetengah pihak atau segelintir pendakwah yang berkata kita tidak patut bagi sokongan kepada kerajaan hari ini ( iaitu kerajaan perpaduan ) atas alasan kerajaan tersebut bersekongkol dengan kafir harbi adalah sentimen tidak tepat dan tidak bertanggungjawab." 

๐ŸŒทSementara itu, Mufti Pulau Pinang Wan Salim Wan Mohd Noor ( gambar di atas๐Ÿ‘†) berkata :

"Orang bukan Islam yang patuh pada undang-undang negara tidak boleh dilabel sebagai kafir harbi, kalau ada salah faham tentang Islam, kita kena beri kefahaman tentang Islam kepada mereka".

๐ŸŒทPada 2016...Mufti Pahang Abdul Rahman Osman ( gambar di atas๐Ÿ‘†) telah menfatwakn ( melabelkn ) bahawa Democratic Action Party ( DAP ) sebagai kafir harbi.

Walau bagaimana pun...beliau telah menarik semula fatwa tersebut atas alasan bahawa pemimpin bukan Islam yang bersama dalam kerajaan pimpinan umat Islam ( iaitu kerajaan perpaduan ) dan akur dengan ketetapan pembinaan negara adalah kafir zimmi.

Beliau seterusnya menjelaskn : 

"Mereka ( iaitu DAP ) akur kepada titah Yang di-Pertuan Agong ( berkenaan pembentukan kerajaan perpaduan di bawah pimpinan Perdana Menteri Anwar Ibrahim ), akur dengan undang-undang negara, hak Islam, hak orang Melayu seperti mana termaktub, mereka adalah kafir zimmi".

*** Bukan kesemua empat puluh ahli parlimen DAP yg x beragama Islam...ada ahli parlimen DAP yg beragama Islam.๐Ÿ˜Š

๐ŸŒทKafir zimmi merupakan orang non-muslim yang hidup dengan kaum muslimin secara rukun dan damai. Golongan ini wajib dilindungi oleh kaum muslimin.


Saturday, December 3, 2022


Salam all,


Barisan ahli2 Kabinet Perpaduan 2022 terdiri dpd :

๐ŸŒทPerdana Menteri : 

Anwar Ibrahim ( Pakatan Harapan (PH) )

๐ŸŒทDua Timbalan Perdana Menteri : 

1. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi ( Barisan Nasional (BN) ) 
2. Fadilah Yusof ( Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) )

๐ŸŒทEmpat menteri dpd GPS :

1. Alexander Nanta Linggi
2. Tiong King Sing
3. Nancy Shukri
4. Aaron Ago Dagang

๐ŸŒทSatu menteri dpd Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) :

1. Armizan Mohd Ali

๐ŸŒทDua belas menteri dpd PH : 

1. Saifuddin Nasution
2. Muhammad Rafizi
3. Anthony Loke
4. Fahlina Sidek
5. Fahmi Fadzil
6. Dr. Zaliha Mustafa
7. Nga Kor Ming
8. Chang Lih Kang
9. Hannah Yeoh
10. Ewon Benedick
11. Nik Nazmi
12. V. Sivakumar

๐ŸŒทLima menteri dpd BN :

1. Khaled Nordin
2. Zambry Abd Kadir
3. Tok Mat Hassan
4. Tengku Zafrul Aziz 
5. Azalina Othman Said

๐ŸŒทDua menteri dpd Parti Amanah Rakyat (Amanah) :

1. Mohamad Sabu
2. Salahudin Ayub

๐ŸŒทMohd Na'im Mokhtar 
( Tiada parti ๐Ÿ˜„ )

Jumlah keseluruhan menteri2 Kabinet Perpaduan : 
Dua puluh lapan (28) org ( termasuk PM & 2 TPM )

Firman Allah swt dlm surah Ali Imran ayat 159 &160 :

" Maka berkat rahmat Allah engkau (Muhammad) berlaku lemah lembut terhadap mereka. Sekiranya engkau bersikap keras dan berhati kasar, tentulah mereka menjauhkan diri dari kelilingmu. Karena itu maafkanlah mereka dan mohonkanlah ampunan untuk mereka, dan bermusyawarahlah dengan mereka dalam urusan itu. Kemudian, apabila engkau telah membulatkan tekad, maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah. Sungguh, Allah mencintai orang yang bertawakkal.

Jika Allah menolong kamu, maka tidak ada yang dapat mengalahkanmu, tetapi jika Allah membiarkan kamu (i.e., tidak memberi pertolongan), maka siapa yang dapat menolongmu setelah itu? Karena itu, hendaklah kepada Allah saja orang2 yg beriman bertawakkal."

*** "urusan itu" ditafsirkn sebagai hal2 duniawi spt urusan politik, ekonomi, kemasyarakatan, dll.

I just want to say...whatever decision that has been made regarding the selection of the ministers (after doing syura)...just be content with it...inshaAllah everytg will be ok๐Ÿ˜€

Smoga Kabinet Perpaduan 2022 ini dpt menjalankn tugas dgn sebaik mungkin utk mereformasi Malaysia ke arah yg lebih baik dlm pelbagai bidang n diredhai oleh Allah swt.

Ameen yra๐Ÿคฒ

Yuzita ๐Ÿค—❤️๐ŸŒท

Thursday, December 1, 2022


Salam all,

FITNAH ialah merujuk kepada sebarang tuduhan tanpa bukti kukuh yang diada2kan utk memburuk2kan atau membencanakan seseorg atau sesuatu pihak...yg membawa kpd porak-peranda dlm sesuatu masyarakat. 

Hukum fitnah jelas haram dan ditegah dlm hukum syarak. Perbuatan memfitnah dikecam dgn keras oleh rasulullah saw dlm hadis yg diriwayatkan oleh Huzaifah :

" Tidak masuk syurga orang yang menyebarkan fitnah (mengadu domba). "

( Hadith riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim )

Pada masa kini fitnah dilakukn secara berleluasa dgn cara yang lebih mudah berbanding dahulu dgn pemfitnah menggunakan teknologi terkini ( i.e., media elektronik ) utk mempengaruhi masyarakat. 

Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan, Tuanku Muhriz Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir ( selaku Pengerusi Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja ke-260 yang telah bersidang pada 29-30 November 2022 ) bertitah agar tiada lagi pemimpin membangkitkan isu perkauman dan agama yang bertujuan menghasut masyarakat.

Contoh fitnah :

* Mengatakn hak istimewa bumiputera ( i e. Melayu ) & agama Islam akan terhakis jika sesuatu pihak berkuasa...tanpa bukti kukuh.

* Mengatakn sesuatu pihak itu komunis, anti-Islam, musuh Islam dan menyebarkn Islamophobia...tanpa bukti kukuh.

* Mengatakn seseorg itu ejen Israel, ejen Freemason dan membenarkn LGBT ( Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender ) di Malaysia...tanpa bukti kukuh.

Propaganda perkauman dan keagamaan yg dinyalakan secara destruktif...yg disulami dgn hasutan dan fitnah...seterusnya membawa kpd kebencian dan dikhuatiri akhirnya...menjurus ke arah keganasan...

๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ˜Š Patik ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yg tidak terhingga kpd Majlis Raja2 di atas keputusan yg telah dipersetujui bersama...

❤️❤️❤️ DAULAT TUANKU !!! ❤️❤️❤️

Semoga Allah swt sentiasa merahmati dan melindungi rakyat Malaysia dpd fitnah2 yg mampu mengugat keharmonian kehidupan pelbagai kaum di Malaysia ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—

Ameen3x yra ๐Ÿคฒ
