Thursday, July 9, 2020


Salam to all,

Corona virus has a great impact on my life. I became more cautious of everything surrounding me...make sure everyone is at least 1m apart from me, wash or sanitize my hand regularly, looking suspiciously at everyone ("dia ni pembawa corona ke tak? 🤔") eventhough that person looks fine (hehe!), etc.

Why? Becoz I lost my spleen ten years ago in a tragic car accident. I was in a coma state for six days. The HKL specialist, Mr Zamzuri tried his best to save my spleen but failed...innalilla wainna ilaihi rajiun. Spleen is very important becoz it helps your body to produce antibodies to fight diseases like covid19.

As a result I feel reluctant to get out from my house unless for crucial stuff like going to HUKM to get my medicine. Also I don't want to be a burden to the doctors and nurses (i.e., frontliners) if I got sick with covid19...such as the nurses need to wear ppe to feed me or give me medicine. They have had enough patients to take care of...😀

So I have no choice but to apply for "work from home (WFH)"  from UKM. In order for UKM to approve my WFH I need to fill an application form and attach to it a letter from a medical officer (doctor) working in a government hospital. I decided to go to Pusat Kesihatan Universiti (PKU) UKM (after consulting my immediate superior, Associate Prof Dr Jamaiah) to get the letter.

The doctor at PKU UKM, Dr. Arif Nasar Sulaiman was very nice to me when I told him about my "phobia" problem. He said it is normal as I don't have spleen anymore and he called it "justifiable phobia". But I just need to not over do the feeling of phobianess...hehe!.

I also told him about my right leg :
I couldn't walk properly so thats why I use crutches. I had an operation at HUKM in 2018 to take out my brain tumor. Maybe this is the consequences of the operation...only Allah swt knows the reason why becoz the doctors at HUKM didn't know 🤔??? They did mri and ct-scan on my right leg and found nothing. Anyway this is not such a big issue becoz I can still be able to walk...alhamdulillah🙂.

My biggest issue is how to overcome my phobia of corona virus? My friend (*ustazah) suggested that I read after every solat **Hizbi Nawawi and alhamdulillah it works.

So what I need to do now is to istiqamah reading the Hizbi Nawawi and WFH to fight this corona virus until the vaccin is found...inshaAllah❤️😀

*Ustazah adalah anak murid kepada Tuan Guru Dato' Hj. Ismail bin Kamus (Pengasas dan penasihat, Persatuan Perubatan Islam DARUSSALAM Malaysia)

**Hizbi Nawawi ialah himpunan doa dan zikir yang dikumpulkan oleh Imam Nawawi (ra) sendiri.


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