Sunday, October 4, 2020


Salam to all,

A number of people asked me : "Masih contact lagi ke supervisor you dulu?" My answer was "Ya" or sometimes I just nodded my head. 

Why shouldn't IπŸ€”??? He had taught me a lot of stuff...not only computer algebra...but he also taught me how to become a modest human being, tolerate other people weaknesses, be polite eventhough you think you are right, reprimand people in a humble way, be patient (especially when he had a student like meπŸ˜‚) and many more.

I remember...the first time I received an email from the very end of his email he just simply wrote his name : "Stan"...and as his student I need to follow his footsteps right?πŸ˜€...and so since then I wrote my name : "Yuzita" the very end of every email I wroteπŸ˜„.

I remember...when I felt so sick to continue my writing of a paper on the area of Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD) algorithms (my phd work) for the journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (before that I wrote a paper for the International Journal of Technology in Mathematics Education (IJTME) (also my phd work ) )...Prof Steinberg and Michael voluntarily took over the writing from me πŸ™‚. I needed to tell people (especially Malaysians) the results of my phd work coz I had spent nearly RM 300K to support this work...and all of it was "duit rakyat". I would not let my sickness to defer me from writing this CAD paper...and alhamdulillah...Allah opened their  heart to help me...πŸ€²πŸ™‚.

I remember...the sympathy Prof Steinberg had shown me when I told him about my sickness and sometimes I just couldn't cope with it. He said : "I wish the tumor would go away from you forever and ever and never return". πŸ€—...Hmmm...that would be niceπŸ€”...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

 ...and so many other things to "remember"...πŸ˜„

He was just like a father to  me...πŸ™‚❤️πŸ§‘πŸ’š

*** I remember...the first time I saw the University of New Mexico (UNM) mascot (picture above)...I went like : "Oh my God...what in the world is that!!! "...sgt la menakutkan😲...πŸ˜€πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚...



  1. Kita doakan prof jumpa dan kembali kpd agama sejahtera... Rugi kebaikan dan akhlak mulia tanpa syahadah

  2. Salam,
    Ameen, ya rabbal 'alameen...🀲

    Jazakallahu khairan kathira...for the doaπŸ™‚

