Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Salam to all,

1999....Prof Abdul Rahman Abdullah, head of Industrial Computing dept, called me to see him in his office. He wanted me to look into the area of "symbolic computation" for my phd thesis. I said to myself: "Apa kebendanya tu...🤔"...never heard of it before ...

So i began to do some searching and found out that mathematicians called this area "symbolic computation" but computer science people called it "computer algebra". But actually it is about the same...

This area is a combination of maths and computer science. I love to call it computer algebra...maybe becoz of my educational background (i.e., Bsc in maths, Bsc in computer science, Msc in maths with minor in computer science...and later Phd in engineering (computer algebra).

So i started to read papers (scientific) in computer algebra and most of the time got stuck...and asked around (mostly lecturers in the local universities) for guidance. But nobody could help me...sob2.

I decided to seek help from oversea lecturers and started to contact them via emails but i didnt receive any reply. Until finally, alhamdulillah....Prof Stanley Steinberg from The University of New Mexico, USA responded to my email and clarified to me the problems that i got stuck with (...which i have now forgotten what it was all about...he2).

I asked him if he was willing to supervise me on my phd thesis in computer algebra and he agreed.
He said: "So far none of my phd students have failed". My reply: "I might be your first one"...he2.

He invited me to go USA to discuss further this matter. But i didnt have any research grant
to support my going there...sob2.

So what to do???
I applied IRPA grant and was successful...alhamdulillah. I received RM 256K and hired 2 master students by research in Computer Algebra System (CAS)...and off i go to USA !!!😀

What happened next???
Stay tuned....🙂



  1. the title itself is intriguing hehe. keep posting kak jujie

  2. Wow gigih betul kak jujy! Suka kalau dpt jumpa anak2 muda bersemangat begini
