2002...my eldest daughter (Yaqeen) came back from school: "Mama, I want to go to tahfiz school". My mind went blank: "Are you sure.???" We decided to seek for advice. That was how we got to know Tuan Guru (TG)...
2003...we went to Kelantan to meet TG in person. At first I thought it must be very difficult to see him...setting up an appointment, etc. But when we arrived at his house (we were still in our car - still haven't decide yet whether to get out or not)...there he was walking alone towards his house wearing "baju melayu" & "kain pelekat" (he just came back from "kenduri kahwin"). I said: "Abang, Tuan Guru!". My husband quickly went out from the car to greet him. A few minutes later, my hub came back: TG wanted to see me & kids as well.
After some discussions (and also giving us some advice), I asked him to make dua' & "air penawar" for my kids. His reply: "Dua' yang paling diterima Allah ialah dua' seorang ibu untuk anak2nya" but if I insist, he will do it.
Through the years I always remember all his advice to me and try my best to follow them. Now my daughters have grown up: both in Egypt, i.e., Yaqeen: Medicine (Univ. of Mansoura) & Na'im: Syariah (Univ. Al-Azhar, Cairo).
Through the years I always remember all his advice to me and try my best to follow them. Now my daughters have grown up: both in Egypt, i.e., Yaqeen: Medicine (Univ. of Mansoura) & Na'im: Syariah (Univ. Al-Azhar, Cairo).
Picture above: TG on the whiteboard in my office. I put it there since I moved in this room as a "motivator": "And those who strive for Us, We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed Allah is with the doers of good" (Quran 29: 69).
Tqvm TG for everything. You are very dear to my heart. May Allah gives you His rahmah and reward you with Jannah. Ameen...
From your right: Yaqeen, my hub (Wan Zamdan), 'Umar & Na'im.
Note: Terima kasih diucapkan kepada PM YAB DS Najib kerana sudi melawat TG semasa beliau di HUSM & menziarah jenazah beliau.
* I also apply the Quran 29:69... (allow me to translate it in Malay language): "Dan orang2 yang berjihad untuk (mencari keredhaan) Kami, Kami pasti tunjukkan kepada mereka jalan2 Kami. Dan sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang2 yang berbuat baik"... as a "motivator" when facing difficulties ("ujian") in life...