Monday, November 25, 2024


Salam all,

😊 Hanya nk bgtau...kalo sesiapa nk tgk web version of my blog...boleh scroll sampai bawah (atas my gambar) dan klik "View web version" dan...

Walla !!! ...kluar web version of my blog.



*** Lupa lak nk cerita abt gambar kat atas... πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜…

Gambar di Nara, Japan. 

Masa tu ada International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) di Nara Women's University, Nara, Japan.

Setiap tahun...I akan meet with my co-supervisors, Prof Stanly Steinberg n Prof Michael Wester di ACA conference...utk bincang perkembangan dlm my research. This time ACA conference diadakan di Nara Women's Univ, Japan...😊

Gazebo kat dlm gambar paling atas tu tempat I termenong (mengenang nasibπŸ˜‚)...baru kena kritikan pedas (tetapi membina) dpd *Prof Alkis Akritas semasa I buat presentation on my research di ACA conference. 

πŸ€”Dok termenong fikir apa nk buat seterusnya (based on Prof Alkis Akritas komen)...masa to finish up my PhD tinggal setahun tiga bulan jer lagi...sempat ke???

Masa tu...teringat firman Allah swt..."Musa said: "Nay, verily with me is my Lord. He will guide me" " (26:62). 

So...I pick up myself together dan bincang semula dgn Prof Steinberg n Michael utk tindakan seterusnya...and alhamdulillah, I manage to finish up my phd on time 🀲😊.  

Dua gambar showing gazebo tempat I dok termenong...down sesgt2 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ :  

Ada banyak shrines kat Nara :

Dan dlm salah satu shrines kat atas I jumpa patong ni...tgh pegang tasbih (terus I ambik gambar 😊) :

* Info on Prof Alkis Akritas :


Tuesday, November 19, 2024


Salam all,

Time really flies...suddenly I realize that I have been reciting the du'as below for over a year now...after solat.
(Kdg2 dok fikir bila la nk makbul😊 xpe berdoa...terus...terus...terus...sehingga makbul. Just ingat...Allah swt xtgk pd result tp pd effort kitaπŸ‘πŸ˜)

♦️1. Qunut Nazilah :

♦️2. Du'a from Masjidil Haram recited by Syeikh Abdul Rahman As Sudais on Nov 17, 2023:

♦️3. Du'a recited by Bro Dr. Omar Suleiman from Yaqeen Institute, USA :

♦️4. Du'a for Palestine :

♦️5. The Palestinian kids chanting "Free Palestine" :



Friday, November 15, 2024


Salam all,

☝️Most species of squid lay their eggs on the seafloor but this devoted black-eyed squid (Gonatus onyx) mother carries them with her for months.

Deep-sea scientists just filmed something enormous swimming over the seafloor in Chile :

Watch the video in this link ☝️


Mother's love...❤️❤️❤️ :

“After laying the eggs she will go without feeding, and by the time they hatch, she will be close to death,” says the Institute.

*** Images and video/Schmidt Ocean Institute

Another example of mother's love...❤️❤️❤️ :


Tuesday, November 12, 2024


Salam all,

Science says that looking at colors can relax you. Colors have an enormous impact on us...psychologically, emotionally and even physically.

For example, red shades tend to trigger your stress response, making you more anxious... while lighter shades calm you down. 

If you are feeling down@stressed, you can use color as a stress management tool while doing your solat to make your solat more khusyu'...inshaAllah. 

With that in mind, I would like to suggest to you five colors for your telekong πŸ˜„ :

1. Blue

This color stands true to its appearance. Peaceful, calm and gentle, blue has tremendous power to manage stress. It's a very soothing color that helps calm your mind, slow down your heart rate, lower your blood pressure and reduce anxiety.

Blue is believed to have a cooling and astringent effect. It is best adviced to go for a soft and neutral shade for a more calming effect. 

2. Green

Green is a restful and quite color. Because it symbolizes nature, green is one of the most beautiful and comforting colors that attracts harmonious feelings that can diffuse anxiety and helps us stay calm and refreshed.

Beige greens and pale yellow-greens are the most stress-reducing shades in the green family     

☝️Siti Khadijah Telekung Modish Akira in Sage Green

3. Pink

Pink is another color that promotes tranquility and peace. It's peacefulness promotes balance of your energies.

4. Violet

Violet signifies strength, peace and wisdom. It has the capacity to bring balance and make you feel inner peace. Also violet is said to be good for bone growth, maintaining the potassium and sodium balance of the body.  

5. Sandy beach

☝️Siti Khadijah Telekung Signature Eiliyah in Sand

There is something very positive about this color that makes you feel lively and energetic. So if you want to jump start your solat on an energetic note...wear a sandy beach telekong for solat πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ 

(Btw this is my favorite color for telekongπŸ˜„...coz this color makes me think of death...(when people bury me under the earth🫣))

🌷Give it a try...maybe by changing the color of your white telekong to the above color...and be more creative n innovative in performing your solat...and perhaps it will help you to be more khusyu' in your solat...inshaAllah πŸ˜„❤️

*** For info...I am right now in a stressful condition..."stress gaza"...πŸ₯² :

Btw Allah swt has created variety of colors for His servants...there must be a reason why πŸ€”?


Thursday, November 7, 2024


Salam all,

☝️As-Syahid Anwar Sinwar berdoa bersama2 dgn sahabat2 nya

Kadang2 I rasa macam dah penat lelah memikirkan peperangan di Palestine dan Lebanon...terutamanya di Gaza...dah lebih setahun mereka dibom setiap hari terutamanya pd waktu malam...masa tgh tidur. Kejam betul...πŸ˜ͺ

Tp melihat semangat juang mereka utk mempertahankan bumi Palestin dan mengharapkan redha Allah swt semata2...I felt like my iman is nothing compared to them.

Contoh wanita Palestin ni πŸ‘‡(dan mungkin juga wanita2 Palestin yg lain) dah siap pakai tudung n pakaian yg menutup aurat sebelum tidur...supaya incase mlm nanti kena bom dan tersepit dlm rubble atau mati syahid...aurat mereka tetap terjaga :

Dah punya banyak tunjuk perasaan di serata dunia dan bermacam iniatif dilakukan oleh penggiat hak asasi manusia dsb...dlm menentang keganasan Israel terhadap civilians di Palestin terutamanya kpd wanita n Israel tetap terus mengganas...buat pekak telinga jer kpd kutukan dan kritikan dunia. 

Contoh yg plg menyedihkan di kem pelarian di Jabalia...mereka dibom tgh mlm...masa tgh tidur dan mereka melihat dgn mata mereka sendiri bagaimana saudara mara mereka terbakar hidup2πŸ˜ͺ

Tp sebagai seorg muslim spt kita di Msia...hanya dpt berdoa n menyumbang dpd segi kewangan setakat termampu utk menolong meringankan penderitaan yg mereka alami. 

Yg penting kita terus n terus n terus berdoa tanpa jemu2 & berputus asa dan terus menyumbang...dlm membantu saudara2 kita di sana.

Allah swt xmelihat pd "result" tp pd "effort" kita...sbb "result" adalah hak Allah swt utk menentukan nya... :

Keadaan saudara2 kita di Gaza :
