Saturday, August 31, 2024


Salam all,

☝️ Tunku Abdul Rahman..."Bapa Kemerdekaan" melaungkan MERDEKA !!! sebanyak 7x di Dataran Merdeka pd 31 Ogos 1957 tepat pd detik 12 tgh mlm.  

☝️Dataran Merdeka.


πŸ˜€ Tepat jam 12 mlm 31 Ogos 2024 : Meriah giler di Apt Sri Ixora, Kajang...fireworks n mercun xhenti2...terkejut2 I dibuat nyerπŸ˜‚. 

Dok tingkat 16 nampk clear bunga api...cantik sgt. Sampai I menulis la ni (12.20 am) masih pasang fireworks lagi. Seronok pulak😊...Alhamdulillah🀲.

Jd Malaysia dh merdeka...2024 - 1957 = ??? πŸ€” tahun (guna calculator kira πŸ˜‚).


Semoga Malaysia terus maju dan dirahmati Allah swt selama2 nya. Ameen yra 😊🀲.



Cool bro yg dok atas motor tu...πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜…



Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Salam all,

☝️Burung Bangau Sawah

☝️Lagu Bangau oh Bangau di atas rasanya x relevan utk dinyanyikn oleh anak2 kita lagi pd masa kini πŸ˜‚...kerana apabila ditanya kpd bangau mengapa dia kurus...jawapan bangau hanyalah kerana ikan x timbul ??? πŸ€”πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚

Mengapa bangau nk harapkn kpd ikan saja sebagai sumber makanan ??? Allah swt telah menciptakn utk bangau pelbagai jenis haiwan kecil, termasuk ikan, amfibia, krustasia dan serangga sebagai makanan utk bangau.

Contoh amfibia :

Contoh krustasia :

Contoh serangga :

Pastu bila ditanya pula kpd ikan...kenapa x timbul ??? Jawapan ikan...rumput panjang sgt πŸ˜€.

Pastu bila ditanya pd rumput...kenapa panjang sgt ??? Jawapan rumput...kerbau x makan aku πŸ˜€.

Pastu bila ditanya kpd kerbau kenapa x makan rumput ??? Jawapan kerbau...perut dia sakit πŸ˜€.

...and so on...semua dgn alasan masing2 πŸ˜€. 

Kesemuanya bermula dgn bangau xdpt makan ikan πŸ˜‚...macam lah xde makanan lain yg dia boeh pilih. Allah swt ciptakn pelbagai jenis makanan utk bangau...hanya perlu berusaha sedaya termampu utk mendptkn makanan yg digemarinya. Bila dah berusaha sepenuhnya...xdpt juga makanan yg sesuai...baru lah boleh kata : "Sudah ketentuan Allah swt aku jadi kurus camni" πŸ˜€. 

😊 Teringat lak masa I nk promote bidang Computer Algebra (CA) di ukm...bila x berjaya utk menarik students utk menceburi bidang ni...I mula lah salahkn masalah kesihatan yg I tgh hadapi pd masa tu πŸ˜€.

Bila I berjaya keluarkn tumor dpd kepala I (dgn izin Allah swt)...I salahkn myself pulak coz it took me some time to recuperate πŸ˜€.

Bila I rasa kepala I dh ok...I wanted to continue with my research on CA again n I started to write research proposal on CA...n it got rejected by ukm internal reviewers  (eventhough the same research proposal was submitted to the Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) conference at oversea and it was accepted to be presented)...I salahkn ukm internal reviewers pulak πŸ˜€.

Whereas it was actually my fault by not requesting ukm to consider penilai2 luar negara yg berkalibar dlm bidang CA spt Prof. Alkis Akritas (Greece), Prof. Hoon Hong (USA), Dr. Michel Beaudin (Canada), Dr. Paul Abbot (Australia), Prof. Stanley Steinberg (USA), Prof. Michael Wester (USA), etc. I am sure I can beg them to do the evaluation for me πŸ˜€...coz they are my friends n they have helped me a lot when I was working on my PhD thesis.

Eventually... I just gave up...and opted for early retirement !!! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ goal was to expose our high school students in using Computer Algebra System (CAS) technology learning techniques (such as exploration, experimentation, visualization n step-by-step technique) on their own when solving a particular problem. 

This CAS technology is to assist the students to enhance their critical thinking capabilities.

Critical thinkers are important to absorb the new technologies (i.e., technology transfer) that our PM YAB DSAI had planned to bring into Msia thru foreign investors.

I know...Allah swt will not ask me the "result" of my work (coz in the is all in the hand of  Allah swt (i.e., Allah swt penentu segalanya))...but Allah swt will surely ask me what I have done with the knowledge Allah swt has bestowed upon me ???

And I know...I have done my very best to propagate the knowledge to the fullest of my ability...but I have failed (i.e., ketentuan takdir Allah swt😊).

And I know...Allah swt is the best judge amongst all of the judges...


Friday, August 23, 2024

MY IDOL ❤️😊🌷

Salam all,

☝️Abul A'la Maududi.

I put his picture at the back of front cover in my buku zikir πŸ‘‡

πŸ‘‡Prof Stanley PhD supervisor in Computer Algebra (i.e., implementation of Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD) algorithm in Engineering Education).

😊 Once I told Prof Steinberg he will look like Abul A'la Maududi if he wears his beard longer.
His reply..."I don't think so. I'll be more good looking than him". Prasan-tan betol...🀣🀣🀣.
Lepas dia cakap tu...dia pun senyum2. 
I dh mati2 gelak 🀣🀣🀣.

I baru dpt email dpd Prof Steinberg :

We are now at our home in San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico.
There was some bad weather here ... high winds so mostly we stay in our home and sometimes go out for dinner.
What are you doing now???


I wonder why org asyik dok tanya I buat apa la ni??? 😊

Mostly reading... :

🌷My Quran kecik
🌷My buku zikir (as shown☝️)

I am also currently reading :

🌷Tafsir Abul A'la Maududi :

Buku ni mmg dah lama...I beli 1984 masa Malaysian Islamic Study Group (MISG) convention di USA. I beli satu set.

One thing I realized...Abul A'la Maududi dlm tafsirnya byk menekankan kehidupan di akhirat yg kekal abadi. 
Kehidupan di dunia hanyalah suatu illusion...

🌷The General's Son by Miko Peled :

"Unwavering Moral Clarity!" by Miko Peled :

🌷Berdoa & terus berdoa tanpa jemu utk rakyat Palestine agar Allah swt memperkenan mengurniakn kemerdekaan utk mereka n menganugerahkn kesabarn yg tinggi & mereka terus merpertahankn kesabaran tersebut...sehingga mereka menang atau syahid. Ameen yra ❤️🀲.

Sempena hari Jumaat yg mulia ini (terdpt suatu masa di hari Jumaat doa kita dimakbulkn Allah swt)...jd mari kita sama2 berdoa agar Allah swt mengabulkan segala doa2 kita. 



Saturday, August 17, 2024







Friday, August 16, 2024

MERDEKA !!! πŸ˜„πŸ«‘

Salam all,

☝️Bendera Malaysia & bendera Palestine.

☝️ Bendera Msia di Sri Ixora Apt, Kajang, Selangor.

☝️Bendera Palestine dikibarkn oleh Si Comel dgn her dolly πŸ₯°πŸ˜„❤️

My wsp to my kids : Bendera berkibar...kuat betul angin😊😊😊

Yaqeen reply : Nmpkla semangat waja brkibar.

Naim reply : Fuyyoo.. ayah tegakkan pakai apa? X jatuh atas kepala org kat bawah tu?

My reply : 🀣🀣🀣...ayh n Umar punye keje.
Mama asyik doa diaorg berdua xjatuh bwh...nti jd supermen seblom meninggalkn dunia 🀣🀣🀣

Tahun ni bersemangat betul sambut hari merdeka...hari Selasa (13 Aug) dh pasang bendera πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜„

Btw if u ask me...I have a v good reason to do so...utk sambut kejayaan kepimpinan Kerajaan Perpaduan dlm mengemudi negara sejak dua tahun kebelakangan ini. Alhamdulillah🀲. Tahun ni baru nampk ketara perubahan ke arah Msia yg lebih berjaya...dunia & akhirat...inshaAllah😊.

Wpun pelbagai kutukan, kritikan menjahanamkn (x membina😊), fitnah, dsb...di hamburkn kpd Kerajaan Perpaduan πŸ˜€....semuanya ditelan dgn tenang & sabar n terus melangkah kehadapan ("moving forward") tanpa berputus asa... kearah Msia yg lebih baik. 

Tahniah dpd kami sekeluarga kpd Kerajaan Perpaduan yg diterajui oleh YAB DSAI !!!
U guys are great! Keep up the good work.
Remember...we are watching u...πŸ˜„πŸ˜

Pencapaian Kerajaan Perpaduan :  


🌷Happy birthday YAB DSAI !!! (I dua hari lebih tua dpd YAB DSAI...ikut haribulan laaa πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…) :

🌷Amanat DSAI :



♦️Hampir keseluruhan Gaza telah dibom oleh Israel laknatullah :

♦️Penderitaan rakyat Gaza di tangisi seluruh dunia :

♦️Penderitaan & kesabaran seorg ibu :

♦️Baru je gi ambk sijil lahir anak kembar...balik rumah anak kembar n wife n anak sorg lagi dh syahid πŸ˜₯:

Sempena hari Jumaat yg  mulia ini (terdpt suatu masa di hari Jumaat doa kita dimakbulkn Allah swt)...kita sama2 berdoa agar Allah swt perkenan utk memerdekakan Palestine dpd kekejaman penjajahan Israel laknatullahh n semoga Allah swt mengurniakan kesabaran yg tinggi kpd mereka n Allah swt mengurniakan mereka kemenangan atau syahid yg sgt2 mereka inginkn.




Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Salam all,

☝️Sawah padi di Air Hitam, Johor. Rumah org ke tu...😯???

☝️PETRONAS Twin Towers.

August 13, 2024...Malaysian prime minister Anwar Ibrahim has stated that Malaysia does not need more skyscrapers and that it should prioritise initiatives that "serve its people" instead.

Ibrahim has said that expensive tall buildings will no longer be a priority for the Malaysian government, reported by The Malaysian Reserve.

Instead, the prime minister said its ministries will allocate these funds to improving conditions of spaces used and enjoyed by the general public.

"There are already many skyscrapers"

"What is the meaning of a strong ringgit and significant investment coming in if they do not directly benefit the people?" Ibrahim said.

"That's why, from the beginning, I have emphasised the need to focus on projects that serve and respect the people," he continued.

"There are already many skyscrapers, if the private sector wants to build them please do. But, the government does not make this a priority anymore. I don't want to brag because Malaysia or Kuala Lumpur already has tall, great and leading buildings in the world."

Skyscrapers no longer priority in Malaysia says DSAI :

Alhamdulillah 🀲😊...


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

PROPHET JESUS (Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH)) ❤️😍🌷

Salam all,

Images of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) (with blonde hair n blue eyes) in churches :

What Research and Science Can Tell 

Us About a New Image of the Prophet Jesus (PBUH)?

In 2001, the retired medical artist Richard Neave led a team of Israeli and British forensic anthropologists and computer programmers in creating a new image of Jesus, based on an Israeli skull dating to the first century A.D., computer modeling and their knowledge of what Jewish people looked like at the time. Though no one claims it’s an exact reconstruction of what Jesus himself actually looked like, scholars consider this image—around five feet tall, with darker skin, dark eyes, and shorter, curlier hair—to be more accurate than many artistic depictions of the son of God.

In her 2018 book What Did Jesus Look Like?, Taylor used archaeological remains, historical texts and ancient Egyptian funerary art to conclude that, like most people in Judea and Egypt around the time, Jesus most likely had brown eyes, dark brown to black hair and olive-brown skin. He may have stood about 5-ft.-5-in. (166 cm) tall, the average man’s height at the time.

Olive Brown skin :

While Dr. Robert R. Cargill (archeologist) agrees that these more recent images of Jesus—including darker, perhaps curlier hair, darker skin and dark eyes—probably come closer to the truth, he stresses that we can never really know exactly what Jesus looked like.

“What did Jewish Galileans look like 2,000 years ago?” he asks. “That's the question. They probably didn't have blue eyes and blond hair.

πŸ‘‡ The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) perform prayer as stated in Matthew 26:39 :

πŸ‘‡ Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Prophet Muhammad (saw) has a lot of enemies that wanted to kill him (even from his own clan, Bani Quraish)...but Allah swt protects them... :

🌷Malcom X reveals the identity of the true Israelites :

🌷The Greater Israel :


🌷Color of ciku...olive brown :

r/bahasamelayu - kulit "sawo matang" merujuk kepada warna kulit yang di antara kulit "hitam manis" dan "kulit cerah". Inilah buah sawo. Di Malaysia lebih dikenali dengan nama buah ciku.

Thursday, August 8, 2024



☝️ From left : Zamdan, Naim, Arif (hub Naim), 'Umar & me at San Francisco Pizza, Bandar Baru Bangi.

☝️Zamdan & me..."Growing old together" πŸ˜„

☝️ Yahani & Arif (her youngest son...still studying at Kuliyyah of Engineering, IIUM).

☝️Wan 'Adneen Na'im.

☝️ Standing from right : Arif, Naim, Umar n
Red tudung : Yuhana...sebelah kanan dia: Yahani.

☝️From left : Arif, Naim, Umar, Yaqeen n Akhram (Yazim eldest son). 

☝️From left : Yaqeen, Arif, Naim, Umar n Akram.

☝️Arif...tengah layan anak2 saudara😊

☝️Nabil (Yahani eldest son) with his eldest son Adam.

☝️Naim, Yaqeen n Umar with Ninie.

☝️ My housemates at Barcelona Apt, SHSU...masa study kat US. 
From left : Hidayatun, Melati, Sharifah Firdaus n me.

☝️Me...tgh study kotπŸ˜€


☝️ Rodeo at Dallas, Texas, USA.

☝️at a museum in Dallas, Texas, USA.

☝️From Left : Zamdan n me.
From Right : Umar, Arif n Naim.

☝️From left : Yuhana, Yahani, Yuzita n Zamdan.

☝️My birthday today...πŸ˜€πŸŒ·❤️

☝️ Family picture 😊

☝️ Tadika Athfaal, KL...cari mana Naim? πŸ˜€

☝️From left : Umar, Ameerul (Yuhana second son), Yazeed (Yuhana eldest son), Zamdan, me n Azizan (Yuhana hub).

☝️From left : Yahani, Yuhana, Azizan, Zamdan, Shah (menantu Yahani) n me.

☝️ Umar...tengah beranganπŸ˜…πŸ˜.

☝️Yuhana n Yaqeen.

☝️From left : Huda (my childhood best friend), Yahani, Yuhana n Gie...di masjid Shah Alam.

☝️From left : Anis (Yuhana second doter), Yuhana n Yahani.

πŸ‘‡ Konvo Umar di UNISHAMS, Kedah :

πŸ‘‡ From left : Me, Yahani and Yuhana at Liverpool, UK (Summer 1984). 

☝️From left : Arif, Azizan, Zamdan, me, Yahani (with cucu), Yuhana, Yaqeen n Aeisyah (tgh mendongak dagu di belakang).

☝️ beloved cat...dh meninggal😭

☝️From left : Arif (Yahani youngest son), Zamdan, Yahani, Yazeed (Yuhana eldest son), Yuhana, me, Naim, Umar n Arif.

☝️From left : Yaqeen, Umar, me n Zamdan at Jibril, Bandar Baru Bangi.

☝️ Yuhana (left) & Yahani (right).

☝️ Naim (left) & Yaqeen (right) πŸ‘‡

☝️ Pening melayan kerenah anak2...πŸ˜‡πŸ™ƒπŸ™„ πŸ‘‡

πŸ‘‡ Three "boys" in my family : Umar, Arif n ZamdanπŸ˜€. 

☝️ This picture was taken when I was fourty yrs old...kena ada recent picture to renew my passport...coz nk gi Nara Women Univ, attend a Computer Algebra conference (present my paper kat sana).  

☝️ Left : Naim & me.
Right : Arif & Jibril, Bandar Baru Bangi.

☝️ Naim & Arif. 

May Allah swt grant all of us Jannatul Firdaus...ameen yra🀲

❤️ uol vvv much πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°
