Friday, February 23, 2024

PENGAKHIRAN ISRAEL...inshaAllah πŸ™„πŸ™ƒπŸ‘

Salam all,

My wsp to my kids yesterday :

Hari ni mama pose...semata2 nk doa Allah hapuskan Israel mcm Allah hapuskan kaum nabi Luth...jd mcm Dead Sea...tempat kaum nabi Luth dulu.

Tgk2 Sheikh ni cakp the same thing...dia suruh org baik2 kluar dpd israel...

( ** Info on Sheikh Imran Hosein : )

Tgk lokasi Dead Sea dlm peta.

Dekat dgn Tel Aviv.

Mama xkisah Allah swt nk buat camna pun dgn Israel...tenggelamkan dlm Red Sea atau tunggang terbalikkn jd mcm Dead Sea...atau apa saje...janji binasakn Israel.

Dh xlarat tgk budak2 muka hitam terbakar kena bom...sakit tu..."

** Children being bombed...severely burned πŸ˜₯ :

** Sebahagian pakar geologi menguatkan hujjah dengan mengatakan laut tersebut (i.e., Dead Sea) pernah menenggelamkan sebuah negeri yang mempunyai bilangan penduduk yang ramai (i.e., kaum nabi Luth). (Lihat Tafsir al-Maraghi, 10/4977-4978).

** Maklumat lanjut mengenai Red Sea dlm Quran :


Sunday, February 18, 2024


Salam all,

πŸ‘† My old beloved Quran kecik...πŸ˜€

Since Ramadhan Kareem is coming v fast n Ramadhan is also called the month of Quran...I want to share my views on how to read the Quran so that it will touch ur heart inshaAllah...n makes u closer to Allah swt. But first of all... for those who are not fluent in arabic (like myselfπŸ˜…)...pls use a Quran wth translation so that u will understand on what you are reading☺️

How to read the Quran... :

🌷 Imagine Allah is speaking directly to you 

The Quran itself often reminds us to personally relate to it and to find ourselves in every single verse. When you come across glad tidings, warnings, commands, or prohibitions from Allah swt...position yourself as the intended addressee. This mindset is a recognition that the Quran is a message to you and to the rest of the world.

🌷 Be emotionally invested in what you are reading

Different verses will affect you in distinct ways. Welcome emotional states of sadness, fear, joy, and hope suitable to each meaning you internalize. 

The serious challenge is to avoid being a mere narrator of what you are reading. If you recite, “I fear, if I should disobey my Lord, the punishment of a tremendous Day”... and are u not genuinely “afraid” of that, or are you just narrating a statement rather than applying it to yourself ?    

🌷 Strengthen your connection with the Quran

Strive to elevate your rank of connection wth the Quran. Read the Quran as if you are standing before Allah swt, talking to Him and knowing that He watches and hears your recitation. This should cause you to be intimidated and to call upon Allah swt for mercy and motivate you to glorify Allah swt.

🌷 Stay humble

Do not approach your relationship with Allah swt with overconfidence or self-satisfaction. As long as you believe in your purity and nobility, you will not reach the ultimate station of love; selfish love of yourself and the love of Allah swt cannot subsist together in one heart. 

When you read the verses that praise the pious, do not include yourself among them but hope that Allah swt will include you among them. When you read the verses that condemn the wrong-doers, assume that they talk about you and ask Allah swt to protect you from infidelity and sin. 


Last but not least...I pray that all of you the best in making yourself closer to the Quran in this month of Ramadhan Kareem and eventually closer to Allah swt...inshaAllah☺️

InshaAllah...this Ramadhan Kareem will be the best Ramadan in ur whole life... ☺️❤️. So let us start preparing ourselves for this very special month...πŸ™‚πŸ‘

Ameen yra🀲❤️

πŸ’œ A reminder from Dr Omar Suleiman to prepare our heart for Ramadhan :


Tuesday, February 6, 2024


Salam all,

πŸ‘† Zionists Israel thrown in the hell fire

😑 Israel  defies the International Court of Justice :

Zionis Israel ni sgt lah sombong & degil....

Semoga Allah membalas Zionis Israel ni dgn pembalasan yg setimpal dgn dosa2 mereka.

Ameen yra 🀲

🌷 Jgn lupa baca doa Qunut Nazilah setiap hari :

🌷Dan jgn lupa baca doa keselamatan utk rakyat Palestin dpd kekejaman Zionis Israel setiap hari :


Friday, February 2, 2024


Salam all,

Summarized from various sources, here is the list of terrorist countries that explicitly supports Zionist Israel :

1. United States of America

πŸ‘† The terrorist Joe Biden: President of USA

The USA has been steadfast in its support for Zionist Israel as the country's main trade partner. Citing VOX, USA terrorist leaders expressed time and again that its relations with Zionist Israel have strategic values as a stabilizing power in the Middle East. The terrorist Joe Biden also extends his full support for Zionist Israel, which includes military aid and, reportedly, more than US$3.8 billion.

2. United Kingdom

πŸ‘† Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

The UK has shown blatant support for Zionist Israel to take proportional action under international law to end the conflict. The terrorist Rishi Sunak (prime minister of the UK) has spoken with Zionist Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to express support for Zionist Israel. The country also sends military packages that include P8 aircraft, surveillance assets, two Royal Navy ships – RFA Lyme Bay and RFA Argus – three merlin helicopters, and a company of Royal Marines

3. Germany

πŸ‘† The terrorist Frank Walter Steinmeier 

Next in line for terrorist countries supporting Zionist Israel is Germany. This country provides Zionist Israel with military aid and promises to crack down on support for Hamas, the Palestinian resistance group, in Gaza. Additionally, the German Defense Ministry also approved Zionist Israel's request to use its Heron TP drones. Councilor of Germany Olaf Scholz also stated that Germany will remain open to Zionist Israel's weapon request.

4. France

πŸ‘† The terrorist France President Emmanual Macron has expressed his full support for Zionist Israel, promising to coordinate with Zionist Israel to defend itself and establish a peaceful Middle East. France also banned its citizens from conducting peaceful protests in support of the Palestinian people.

5. Australia

πŸ‘† The terrorist Prime Minister of Australia

Australia has shown its support for Zionist Israel by deploying additional Australian defense force personnel to fight alongside Zionist Israeli forces in Gaza. Skilled Australians are also shown flying to Zionist Israel to join its forces.

😑 Last but never the least...the head of all the terrorists above :

πŸ‘† Prime Minister of Zionist Israel



🌷 Chris Hedges : The death of Israel...

🌷 Three devils :

☝️this really made my day...a punch right thru his face...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
