Salam all,
The PAS President, Abdul Hadi Awang said (reported by malaysiakini on Jan 2, 2023) :
"Don’t ever take the infidelic West as an example, because the best of them will still end up in hell, since their kindness is without any faith to Allah and the end times."
To me the words above by the PAS President were too harsh to be uttered by a so called an "Islamic" party president...😐
To think of it...I don't really blame him though🙂...coz I was just like him until I met Prof Stanly Steinberg and Prof Michael Wester (both are Americans... well known for their contributions in the area of Computer Algebra).
At that time I was like "terkapai2" searching for an advisor to supervise my PhD thesis in Computer Algebra coz in Msia there was none.
After spending quite some time sending emails to experts in Computer Algebra around the world that might willing to supervise my PhD thesis (on line) (...and I nearly gave up coz there was no response😒)...but then suddenly...alhamdulillah...I received an email from Prof Stanly Steinberg (The University of New Mexico (UNM), USA)😀😄😆.
He and Prof Michael Wester (former PhD student of Prof Steinberg) assisted me with my PhD thesis (until I completed it...alhamdulillah)...without me taking out from my pocket a single cent (i.e., FOC🫠).
In fact, when I went to the UNM,USA...twice (i.e., first time to identify the focus of the research topic for the PhD thesis and the second time to finishing up the writing of the thesis)...they really helped me a lot...🙂
For examples...
Michael would come by to my apt at the UNM, USA everyday when I was finishing up my thesis writing to "check" on me...and I would jokingly ask him: "Are u checking on me if I'm still alive?". He would just smile and said "Yup"😆. Actually he wanted to know if have sometg to discuss with him or some new writings for him to take home to edit.
As for Prof Steinberg...when I got stuck with my research PhD work in Msia (i.e., mostly programming stuff) I would send to him by email and I got his feedback in one or two days...v fast right?😊...considering the time lapse between Msia n US...lets say if I send my work at 4pm (Msia time) will be 5am (Prof Steinberg time)...13 hours difference.
They have shown me very good examples to follow...i.e., to lend our hands to those in need...regardless of race or religion...without expecting anything in return. They were always there for me when I felt down (you know what PHD is : "Permanent Head Damage"😂). And I said to myself I would do the same to my students as they have done to me (and also to other people as well)...
Thank you very much Prof Steinberg & Michael...from the bottom of my heart 😊❤️💜🧡
As for them becoming Muslims...inshaAllah I will make doa for them (especially in the months of Rejab, Syaaban and Ramadhn) so that Allah swt will open up their heart someday to accept Islam...🫠
Ameen yra🤲
🌷As reminders to myself & to uol :