👇Greek alphabets :
👇My previous wsap to my friends:
Xtau nk cakp apa dh... Klakar pun ada🤣
Dh habis dibelasahnya sume simbol matematik utk varian...alpha, beta, delta, kappa, eta, theta, phi, epsilon, etc...
La ni omicron...
Simbol matematik apa lak tu???🤔
I pun goggle...rupanya nama varian baru...🤦🏻♀️
Never ending story...from Allah swt😊
"Hadiah" dpd Nya utk kita sedar n bertaubat..."
** The above matter reminds me of my mathematics professors (i.e., Prof Stoltenberg, Prof Davis and Prof Luning) when I was a master student at the mathematics department, Sam Houston State University (SHSU), Texas, USA.
The mathematics symbols...alpha, beta, delta, kappa, eta, theta, phi, epsilon, mu and lambda...were often used by these professors when doing proofing in mathematics.
I still remember Prof Luning as he put his forehead on the whiteboard when proofing a mathematics problem....and then he was very still for quiet some time (I think about 10 min or so)...and I was like..."is he ok???" 😂😅...then he continued writing on the whiteboard...(pelikkan mathematicians ni...😄 classmates and i masa tu resah gelisah...ngapa dia xgoyang2 pun🤔...🤣🤣)
And...I still remember Prof Stoltenberg when he slammed both of his hands on the table the moment I succeeded in proving my last mathematics problem for my master viva (punya la terperanjat...sikit lg nk terbersalin😂😅) i was at that time standing infront of the evaluators (i.e., mathematics professors)...finishing up my explanation of my proofing technique on the whiteboard.
And...I still remember Prof Davis and his jokes. I enjoyed his class very much becoz of his funny jokes😂 uol know i love to laugh😊
As for omicron...the professors didnt use this alphabet...i wonder why?🤔 (mungkin sbb terpintal lidah kot nk sebut "omicron"😂😅)
By the way...kalo x cukup greek alphabets nk namakn varian lagi...leh lah guna alif, ba, ta...etc. pulak🤣😂😅
** DUBAI: Kemunculan Omicron sekali lagi ‘memporak-perandakan’ dunia apabila varian baharu Covid-19 itu didakwa lebih mudah berjangkit dan kebal vaksin berbanding varian terdahulu.
Penasihat saintifik di Vesta Care, Emmanuel Kouvousis percaya, koronavirus akan terus mendominasi dunia sekiranya masih banyak negara tidak mempunyai pelan tindakan yang kukuh.
"Kemungkinan juga Omicron adalah mutasi yang terakhir, dengan dua lagi strain dominan dijangka muncul sebelum pandemik benar-benar berakhir,” katanya kepada Arab News.