Salam to all,
In 1995, at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, was held the 1st International IMACS Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra. IMACS stands for "International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation", see
this 1995 text for more details or visit
their official website.
Since 2001, the conference retains only the title "Applications of Computer Algebra". This conference is an annual meeting, devoted to promoting the applications and development of Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation. Topics include computer algebra and symbolic computation in engineering, the sciences, medicine, pure and applied mathematics, education, communication and computer science.
Recent Conferences:
ACA'2008 held at RISC, Linz, Hagenberg, Austria (July 27-30)
ACA'2007 held at Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA (July 19-22)
ACA'2006 held at the International Home of Scientists, Varna, Bulgaria (June 26-29)
ACA'2005 held at Nara Women's University, Nara, Japan (July 31-August 3) For a complete list of past ACA conferences, see the
main ACA website.
I will be leaving for Montreal on June 23, 2009... inshaallah.
Note :
The paper below👇was accepted for the journal above (i.e.,The International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education (IJTME), formerly The International Journal of Computer Algebra in Mathematics Education) after we presented it at the ACA 2009 in Montreal, Canada :
2011...👇the paper below was also accepted for publication in the journal stated below it (i e., Mathematics and Computers in Simulation)) :