Friday, May 29, 2009

Salam to brother Hamzah...

Bro. Hamzah Salleh received his Phd. from the University of Waterloo, Canada. He is currently working with the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He collaborated with me in the computer algebra-biotechnology project. His email:


My wonderful postgraduate students: Hidayah & Saadah

They are currently doing their research on the applications of computer algebra in biotechnology (immunology). This area is also known as algebraic biology, an emerging new research area that uses tools from symbolic computation (computer algebra), algebra, algebraic geometry, and discrete mathematics to formalize and solve biological problems. 

Their research project is supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysia. Keep up the good work, girls! May Allah accepts our work as "amal soleh", inshaallah. Ameen...


Thursday, May 28, 2009

My dear friends...

Salam to all,

Prof. Steinberg & wife (Prof. Janet Oliver) and Dr. Wester & Prof. Richard Liska (Czech Republic) were having breakfast together during ACA (Applications of Computer Algebra) 2005 in Nara, Japan. I took this picture...not bad, huh?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dr. Michael Wester & Dad

Michael and his beloved daddy (James) at their house in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. James loves to tell me "stories"...❤️


Prof. Stanly Steinberg & Dr. Michael Wester

Prof. Steinberg (sitting down) & Dr. Wester - my two wonderful phd supervisors. 

2006...they were in my studio at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA...visiting me to make sure I finish up my writing (phd thesis) on time...and alhamdulillah, I did it.
