Sunday, August 4, 2024



Antonio Vivaldi...born March 4, 1678, Venice, Republic of Venice [Italy]—died July 28, 1741, Vienna, Austria) was an Italian composer and violinist.

♦️Vivaldi Winter (Ray Chen) favourite๐Ÿ˜Š :

"...And the heart beats in ecstasy

....And for Allah swt they rose again

... And deity and inspiration,

... And life, and tears, and love"

Tears rolling down my cheek ๐Ÿฅฒ

Tqvm Vivaldi for your masterpieces...with them it is easier to see the beauty of life...the greatness of Alah swt and His love❤️...

Listening to this music.. makes you want to live, believe, love and hope that happiness is always nearby...hope for the Palestinians (and other Muslims who are now being oppressed) to be free someday...Ameen yra๐Ÿคฒ.

Vivaldi is a violin genius. "Ya beautiful the masterpieces he created with your hidayah". Allah swt sends such talent to reach us to cheer us up ๐Ÿ˜€ (apart from the Quran)...when facing problems in life.

I pray that the pain I am feeling now will subside and I finally feel the long awaited peace ๐Ÿ™‚ (so sad with what happening in Gaza now n the killing of As-Syahid Bro Ismail Haniyeh).

I need to learn how to cope and deal with problems for always. Nothing in this life is is a test from Allah swt...through hardship to jannah.

I always tell myself to matter what happens Hamas (and other Islamic jihad fighters) have to protect the deen of Islam & the Muslims...Ameen yra๐Ÿคฒ 

Also always be happy with what Allah swt has given you...eventhough it is hard to accept the reality. Remember there must be hikmah in whatever is happening to us...๐Ÿ˜Š    

Other versions of Vivaldi Winter :

♦️Vivaldi Winter (1 hour) :

♦️Vivaldi...The Four Seasons :

Tqvm Allah swt for giving us this wonderful masterpiece by inspiration thru this great musician, Vivaldi ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒท❤️

*** Hukum bermain alat muzik seperti gitar, piano dan biola yang menggunakan tali harus hukumnya selagi mana tiada perkara yang boleh menjadikannya haram. 

*** Vivaldi's best known work The Four Seasons, composed in 1723, is a set of four radical violin concertos depicting the seasons of the year. 

So...2024 - 1723 = 301 years ago Vivaldi Winter (part of The Four Seasons) was created by Vivaldi...evergreen๐Ÿ˜Š...people nowadays still listen to it.



  1. Bada wrote :

    Wslm. X pernah dengr pn nama dia, yg tahu cat steven je, tq k jujie

    1. Yuzita wrote :

      I pun xbrapa kenal musicians dlm classical music ni...until I gi Vienna, Austria...sbb present my paper kat univ of Vienna...ada Computer Algebra conference situ.
      Masa tu organizer conference dok pasang memanjang classical music by musicians like Vivaldi, beethoven, mozart, bach etc...sampai i naik suka lak...coz the music touches my heart๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜

    2. Yuzita wrote :

      Sambil I dgr Vivaldi Winter...I bayangkan penderitaan our brothers n sisters di Gaza n kekejaman Israel terhadap mereka n janji syurga Allah swt n janji neraka Allah hati i jd tenang...❤️

    3. Bada wrote :

      Org yg x minat music memang x tahu lh semua ni๐Ÿ˜„
      Memang betul2 kejam, geram betul tp x mampu nk buat apa kecuali berdoa pd Allah, semoga Allah turun kn azab yg pedih buat mereka
