Thursday, July 4, 2024


Salam all,

♦️Committing Disobedience & Embarking Upon Sinful Deed♦️

The bad effect of this factor (☝️) upon imaan is well known to all. Imaan “increases with obedience and decreases with disobedience”. Just as accomplishing the obligatory and recommended deeds that Allah has ordained increases imaan, then likewise, performing the forbidden and disliked deeds that Allah has not enjoined, decreases imaan.

However, sins vary greatly with respect to their rank, the evils they entail and the intensity of their harm. This is as Ibn al-Qayyim has mentioned: “Without doubt, kufr, fusuq and disobedience are of levels just as imaan and righteous actions are of levels.”

Allah says: “They are in varying grades before Allah and Allah is All-Seer of what they do. 

[Al- Qur’an 3:163]

Allah also says: “For all there will be degrees, according to that which they did. And your Lord is not unaware of what they do.” 

[Al-Qur‘an 6:132]

Ibn al-Qayyim mentions in this respect, a brief and yet more than adequate statement, which he says: 

“Lack of tawfiq: incorrectness of opinion; concealment of truth (from Him); corruption of the heart, lack of remembrance, squandering of time; dislike of creation (of Him); alienation between the servant and his Lord; prevention of supplications being answered; hardness of heart, the exclusion of blessings in one’s sustenance and life; deprivation of knowledge; the apparel of degradation; humiliation subjected by the enemy; constriction of the chest, being put to trial with evil companionship who corrupt the heart and waste time; lengthy anxiety and sorrow; hardship of life and gloominess of circumstance … 

...are a result of disobedience and negligence of the remembrance of Allah, which is comparable (in magnitude) to the etation that is produced by water and the burning that is caused by fire. The opposites of these matters arise from actions of obedience.”

☝️Stuff for us to ponder together upon what Ibn al-Qayyim says regarding the ups & down of iman... 

So how to overcome this ups & down of iman? ustaz suggested: Perbanyakan istighfar...bukan sekadar di mulut saja..."Astaghfirullah" (Oh Allah...forgive me)...tapi disertai dgn hati...betol2 menghayati istighfar kita😊...xyah laju2...slow & steady πŸ˜€  

Pastu I tanya diri...minta ampun kat Allah swt sbb apa???...sbb byk masa kita...kita lupa utk mengingati Nya...😭😭😭...

Do u feel low in imaan ??? :

So...selamat menjaga iman kita dgn mengingati Allah swt sentiasa...Ameen yraπŸ˜€



  1. Bada wrote :

    Betul k jujie, iman kita selalu turun naik, that's why kita perlu kn kwn yg baik n bnyk mndengar tazkirah, unk peringatan
