Monday, October 30, 2023

FARHA ❤️🩷🧡

Salam all,

December 1, 2022...Netflix released the film Farha that is based on the true story of a Palestinian girl who survived the Nakba of 1948, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homeland by Zionist militias. 

The film’s main character, Farha, is locked for her own safety by her father in a pantry when Zionist forces attack her village, and through the cracks of a door, she witnesses some of the brutal violence of ethnic cleansing that created the Israeli state.

Today, we can see Israel accountable for the relentless violence of Zionism, with its continuing home demolitions, land theft, assassinations, executions and bombings of Gaza. Until today Palestine is still not yet free from Israel's brutality.

In this film, Palestinians were faced with impossible odds because England had ensured successful Zionist colonisation by exiling or imprisoning the Palestinian leadership and executing any Palestinian caught with weapons. At the same time, it facilitated the arming of Zionist paramilitary units, who perpetrated many massacres in their pillaging of more than 530 Palestinian villages.

My daughter, Wan 'Adneen Na'im and my dear friend, Sharifah Firdaus suggested that I watch this film months ago...but I declined. Maybe becoz I had doubt any film like Farha favoring the side of the Muslims can be released to the world. Bias me🤣...

Info on Farha film :

I have watched the film Farha👍. I was crying when I watched Fareeda (Farha's good friend) cries in the car as she is leaving Farha becoz Farha doesn't want to leave her dad behind😢. 

I think the film Farha is worth watching...

Happy watching !!! 😊

🌷 Zionist Israel's attitude towards the film Farha : expected...🤣🤣🤣.

🌷 Give a v.good review ok...5 star😂 :



  1. Fara wrote :

    Alhamdulillah dah tgk ni.. boleh tgk semula to recap.. but its mild compared to reality but still, moga message sampai . Doa juga utk mekah dn madinah… pemerinth skrg , zalim. Begitu juga syria dll.

    1. Yuzita replied :

      Mmg mild sgt.
      Kalox...I xbrani tgk😂😂😂
