Saturday, March 25, 2023


Salam all,

2004 (or perhaps 2003)...As I was lingering in a bookstore somewhere in Kuala Lumpur...looking for new books to read...and...wallaaa!!!...I found the book above๐Ÿ‘†...๐Ÿ˜Š

TALIBAN...the first thing coming on my mind..."Habis la Si Yvonne ni...sure teruk kena torture, r**ol, xbagi makan,...mak datok!!!...habis la Si Yvonne ni...ya Allah !!!" 

So...I bought the book๐Ÿ˜‚...

Conversion to Islam

She said in her book, In the Hands of the Taliban, that, while she was in captivity, she was treated with respect by the men of the Taliban and was, subsequently, amazed by their courtesy. All men that she came in contact with lowered their gazes (to her), which left her bewildered. She had initially thought they had already decided to have her executed and therefore could not look her in the eyes. Only later did she discover they were showing her a sign of respect. 

While in captivity she gave an undertaking to read the Qur'an and study Islam if they let her go. Fulfilling the promise and setting out on what she described as "an academic exercise" she said she was shocked to discover "the Quran makes it clear that women are equal in spirituality, worth, and education. What everyone forgets is that Islam is perfect; people are not."

She converted to Islam in the middle of 2003, claiming that her new faith has helped put behind her broken marriages and embrace "the biggest and the best family in the world."

Happy Reading๐Ÿ˜€ !!!


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