Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Salam to all,

1981...My sister, Yahani came back to Malaysia from the United Kingdom (UK) for summer holiday and she brought with her a book (she was at that time studying at the University of Liverpool, England, UK and...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…...I was studying at the Sekolah Seri Puteri (SSP), Kuala Lumpur...) She gave me the book and said: "Nah!". I was curious and so I picked it up...and I went like: "Cantiknye...Sape ni?". My sister said: "Princess Diana". The book was full with the pictures of Princess Diana before, during and after her wedding to Prince Charles...that was how I got to know her...πŸ€—

Through the years I didn't pay much attention to her...except I notice that she was some how different from other british royalties...coz she was some how...more down to earth...if you know what I mean...😊...(like YBM Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah...he was not so "skema" after all...πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚...sorry YBM Tengku...just kiddingπŸ™...😊)

I also notice wherever she went she drove crowd together to greet her. She was gentle with kids (with cancer, aids, etc.), kind to the poor,  assist charity and humanatarian work, etc...I don't think she fabricated all the good stuff she had shown...but purely from her heart...coz people could sense the fabulous aura she inseminated...In other words...she was truly the "People's Princess"πŸŒΉπŸ€—

When she died in 1997 in a tragic car accident in Paris...I felt so sad...all the good work done was for nothingπŸ˜ͺ...coz Allah swt says in the Quran, Surah Al-Kahfi (103-105):

"Katakanlah: "Apakah akan Kami (Allah) beritahu kepadamu tentang orang-orang yang paling rugi perbuatan mereka?"

"Iaitu orang-orang yang telah mensia-siakan perbuatan mereka dalam kehidupan dunia ini, sedangkan mereka menyangka mereka berbuat sebaik-baiknya."

"Mereka itu ialah orang-orang yang kufur terhadap ayat-ayat tuhan mereka dan perjumpaan dengan Dia (Allah), maka hapuslah amalan-amalan mereka, dan Kami (Allah) tidak mengadakan suatu penilaian untuk (amalan) mereka pada hari kiamat."

*** 😭πŸ˜ͺ...teringat lak kat Prof Steinberg dan Michael...semoga Allah swt mengurniakan mereka hidayah untuk menerima Islam....πŸ’š

Ameen yra🀲...

πŸ‘‡...with injured children (due to landmine) in Angola, 1997

πŸ‘‡ ...visit a landmine field in Angola, 1997 (she became an anti-landmine activist)

πŸ‘‡...with leprosy patient at a hospital in Indonesia, 1989

πŸ‘‡...holding a sick child in Pakistan 

πŸ‘‡...floral tributes at Kensington Palace, 1997



  1. Kebaikan hanya bermakna dgn syahadah


    1. Salam Rose,
      Sebenarnya I rasa bersalah xsambung ayat seterusnya sbb ia adalah peringatan dpd Allah swt...terpaksa jg tulis kan...

      Al-Kahfi 106:
      "Demikian balasan mereka itu neraka jahannam kerana kekafiran mereka dan menjadikan ayat-ayat Ku (Allah) dan rasul-rasul Ku (Allah) sebagai olok2"

      πŸ˜ͺ Smoga kita xtergolong dlm golongan ini...Ameen yra🀲

    2. Tetapi...Allah swt memberi peringatan (khabar gembira) dgn Al-Kahfi 107&108:

      "Sesungguhnya orang-orang yg beriman dan beramal soleh untuk mereka syurga Firdaus menjadi tempat tinggal"

      "Mereka kekal di dalamnya, mereka tidak ingin berpindah daripadanya"


      Smoga kita tergolong dlm golongan ini...Ameen yra🀲

  2. Lihat kebaikan yang orang buat dan kita berusaha melakukan kebaikan juga.

  3. Salam Riza,
    Terima kasih atas peringatan...😊⭐πŸ€—
