Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Salam to all,

Winter 1988...it was very cold...I just stood infront of the main door of the Mathematics and Computer Science department building of the Sam Houston State University (SHSU)...not deciding yet whether to get out...ready to face the terrible weather outside or just stood there...until a man from behind me said "Hi little lady, this door is too heavy for you is it?...Let me open it for you"...so with heavy heart I went out as the kind man opened the door for me😀

I didn't feel like going back to my apartment yet coz all my housemates, Norbani and Samsidarwati had gone back to Malaysia for good...they had finished their studies (Master in Computer Science). So I was left alone all by myself😔...

The only Malaysians left at SHSU at that time were Rosdah & Ali (husband & wife), Wan Zamdan and me. I got scared during the night that I turned on every light in the apartment....including the kitchen and toilet 😂 and put the telephone beside me while sleeping at night and was very conscious of any tiny winy sound coming from outside or inside the apartment. So it was like "hell" for me at that time 😐. And most of all I couldn't concentrate on my study, solat, etc...and so when Zamdan propose marriage to me...I accepted it (rasa2nya dia tgh tunggu I la tuh...perasan lah sikit kan...kan...kan! 😂). 

SHSU is very dear to my heart❤️...a place where I met my wonderful husband...a place where I actually grew up coz I was there since I was 18 yrs old until 25 yrs old...a place where I met wonderful friends (not only Malaysians but Arabs, Americans, Chinese, Indians, etc)...a place where I associated myself with islamic organizations like Malaysians Islamic Study Group (MISG) and Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)...etc.

👆SHSU library...

👆Sam Houston...

👆Lowman Student Center (inside)...

👇Lowman Student Center (outside)...

👇Sammy Bearkat (SHSU mascot)...

*** 👇Norehan with red tulips at the Sam Houston State University, Texas🌷...😀❤️🧡♥️



  1. Teringat masa kita kat airport musim sejuk 1987 rasanya... Kita menunggu somebody... Delayed flight.. Kita cuba tidur kt kerusi airport dlm kesejukan teramat sgt.. Ingat tak

  2. Ingat...hanya xingat dgn siapa...sejuk giler😂! Dok atas kerusi airport angkat kaki atas...xmenjadi sejuk juga...bangun dan jalan2 pun xmenjadi sejuk juga...kelakar betol😅

  3. Ros bg baju sejuk ros pd kak jujy sbb kak jujy lbh memerlukannya waktu tu


    1. Masa tu xsangka lak plane nak delay...xbawa la baju sejuk...tiba2 cuaca berubah...sejuk giler😅.

      Org2 Texas slalu kata "Cuaca skrg elok...tp tunggu la sekejap lagi!"😃

      K.jujy lak masa tu kurus kerempeng...mana nk tahan sejuk☺️.

      Anyway tqvm for the baju sejuk😘❤️u...
