Thursday, May 23, 2024


Salam all,

I never thought of expecting the regime Israel to pay for the cost of rebuilding Gaza. In my mind: "How are we to find the money to help our brothers n sisters in Gaza to rebuild Gaza, i.e., rebuild their homes, Gaza educational system (i.e., schools, kindergartens, universities, etc), Gaza medical system (i.e., hospitals, clinics, etc.), mosques, churches, etc....coz they are nearly completely ruined by the IDF zionists.

Wsap from my Msian friend Peter Lim (on March 8, 2024) when he asked me how he can contribute to help the Palestinians :

"Dr, I'm asking my kids to set aside some of their duit ang pow to contribute for Palestine refugees. Are there any legitimate and more trust worthy tabung or humanitarian NGOs of Malaysia that you may recommend? Thks"

My reply :

"😊Can u tell ur kids to keep the money for a while...we will need it aftr we got rid of the zionists israel from the Palestine land...that is to assist rebuild palestine...i.e., in medical industry, educational industry, tourist industry, etc. there are more than 700 humanitarian aid trucks at Gaza border...not allow to enter gaza by zionists israel army.

So I would suggest if ur kids really want to help the Palestinians...wait until the freedom fighters win the war...inshaAllahπŸ™‚πŸ˜"

Will Israel pay for rebuilding Gaza ??? :

NO, I don't think Israel is going to pay for rebuilding Gaza.. becoz their clear intention in the first place was to completely destroy the Gaza infrastructure...wipe it all out entirely from the surface of this earth...😑...such cruelity.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Salam all,

Jgn lupa sampaikn pesanan dpd org2 yg berilmu & beramal (spt di atas) kpd ahli keluarga, saudara mara, rakan taulan, jiran2 dll mengenai kepentingan solat 😊.




Salam all,

😊 Continuation on my previous article on May 15: SAY "ALHAMDULILLAH" ALWAYS (PART 1)...

🌷Secondly...I need to find the best possible ways to get rid of the tumor in my head πŸ€”. 

My doctor, Mr. Toh (HUKM neurologist (brain)) told me that he will be going to a hospital in Melbourne, Ausralia for a two years training programme in neurology (brain)...and he told me to go ahead with the surgery...and not to wait for him. My reply: I will wait for u, inshaAllah. 

So that settled...Mr. Toh who will be doing the operation on me when he return back to Msia in 2016 (if I am not mistaken) 😊. 

I also took some vitamin supplements (Shakelee), daun & bunga tujuh duri, watch my diet, etc.

🌷 Thirdly...I wanted my kids to be with me in Msia (i.e., finish up their studies in Egypt), before the operation. 

The moment my eldest doter came back to Msia after completed her study...I called Mr Toh n told him that I am now ready for the operation...that was in 2018. took me 2018 - 2009 = 9 years before I finally did the operation...alhamdulillah 😊.

But alhamdulillah...thru out the nine yrs Allah swt taught me what sabr actually means n always "syukur" (alhamdulillah) on whatever that was already destined for us by Allah swt coz...eventually to Him all of us will be returning...❤️🫠


Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Salam all,

☝️ A palestinian woman "mengadu" to Allah swt :


All praise be to Allah.

Ya Allah, when u gave me illness and I said...Alhamdulillah...  

My house was bombed and I said...Alhamdulillah...

My son was arrested and I said...Alhamdullah...

My son was killed ( by an Israeli air strike in Rafah) and I said...Alhamdulillah...

Oh there more?

Again...Alhamdulillah...until u are pleased, ya Allah.

No matter what we want...Allah's will shall be done. Alhamdulillah...

May Allah be with u, my son.

May Allah have mercy on u, my son.

Good bye...u went up to Allah, my son.

U went up to rasulullah, my son."

The words : "Ya Allah, when u gave me illness and I said...Alhamdulillah..." reminding me when I was diagnosed with brain tumor in 2009 and the HUKM nuerosurgeon (brain), Mr. Toh wanted to perform the sugery asap. My reply: No, not now... πŸ˜‚. So I started giving excuses like my kids are still small, I am scared of operation, I might wake up with memory loss, etc. 

Actually I needed time to think things over...making plans n not to rush things...Stay calm 😊.

🌷 Firstly...everything is from Allah swt.

Surah Al-Syu'ara ayat 80 :

Dan apabila aku sakit, Dialah yang menyembuhkan aku.

Thus the cure will eventually come from Allah swt. 

So lets muhasabah diri n tgk my hubungan dgn Allah swt. I notice masa buat PhD...I read the Quran regularly every day. Penat buat research...berhenti kejap baca Quran n bila kepala dh clear...sambung balik research and so on...

But then...bila dh dpt PhD...I notice my pembacaan n pendekatan kpd Quran semakin hari semakin berkurangan. Maklum lah dulu stress nk kena habiskan PhD dlm masa empat tahun...balon mcm nk giler...sat2 gi US, Canada, Jepun, Australia etc...Jadi masa tu rasa close dgn Allah swt...tempat mengadu πŸ™‚. Tp bila dh tamat PhD n start keje semula...jadi sebuk sesgt dgn keje n mcm hal2 lain. Jadi...hubungan dgn Allah swt semakin hari semakin renggang.

Jadi satu hari tu...I bermunajat kpd Allah swt...apa dh jadi dgn I ni?...I dh kurang baca Quran, berzikir, etc...I dh semakin jauh dpd Mu, ya Allahku, ya tuhanku. I asked from Allah swt solution to my problem. And Allah swt gave me brain tumor (in 2009)...Alhamdulillah πŸ˜‚πŸ€². It makes me think of Allah swt pain, no gain 😍.

Setiap perkara Allah swt beri kpd kita...samada buruk atau baik...pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya. Sesungguhnya Allah kita Maha Bijaksana lagi Maha Perkasa & Maha Mengetahui yg terbaik utk kita πŸ˜ƒ.
